He had also forged his landlord's signature on a lease and falsified his military discharge papers and documents needed to export fish to Egypt, the papers claim. ", Speak to recruitment advertising specialist. Anthony Jones I don't know. A highly-decorated fake SEAL Team 6 commander who served in Korea, Vietnam, the Gulf War, and top secret "black ops" inside Iran in 2009 has outed Don Shipley as a real Navy SEAL, sources confirmed today. ``Ever since then, I've had a burning hatred for the people who would steal their honor.'. FT BENNING JUMP SCHOOL 1985. Email: [emailprotected]. Heres a full list of all of the obstacles on the Navy SEAL O-course in order from start to finish: 1. Paul is asked if he is a Navy SEAL, Im sure each of you can guess his answer because hes a humble man. Related Article BUD/S Class 234: Where Are They Now? OPERATE UNINSURED MOTOR VEHICLE, http://napervillemugshots.com/profile/1611394/paul-puccillo/, Yknow, that does look an awful lot like it could be our phony SEAL. MENLO PARK, Calif. (KGO) -- A former Lake Tahoe bartender has used his phony stories of being the most . 5. ``I feel lower than whale scum. And I spoke with him this morning super chill/humble guy! Track our progress on our Awards page.. I had the privilege to be stationed with and work alongside Navy SEALS back in the early to mid 80s. I am so glad someone caught this imagine the lies he would of continued with hurting people and acting like an actual soldier or hero like the ones that actually serve and are away from their families I dont get pieces of shit like Paul Puccillo the problem is there are many like him out there. I refused to kill women and children, so they booted me out of the SEALS, I was sent behind enemy lines to terminate a rogue special forces soldier bent on vigilante justice. All of the odd numbered Teams (1, 3, 5, and 7) are based in Coronado, CA. Please email johnrodriguez25@yahoo.com, Brady the goat please email johnrodriguez25@yahoo.com, Email me at johnrodriguez25@yahoo.com please, My email is kr1234060@gmail.com what are your concerns because I have a few of my own if this is Amy. Between 1947 and 2013, only 3,208 people had successfully qualified as a US Air Force Pararescue, with approximately 500 serving members in 2013 (Kendall, 2013).On average, only 15%-20% of personnel will graduate from the Pararescue training pipeline. And it swarms with SEAL wannabes like Nolan. ``And I'm glad you are.'. Former SEAL. Power Steering Control Valve, 1965 - 1967 Mustang Seat 1/4" Set All Classic Parts $ 13.95. His records are classified and no one can access them. The gold medallion rests in its original case, tucked in a dresser drawer in his bedroom. And have watched in disbelief as he mumbled incoherently about hugging your dog, grandpa, grandad, mother, father and family dog. The Virginia Beach company Nolan founded, OmniTrade International Inc., signed contracts to sell millions of dollars worth of goods such as food and construction materials in Egypt, said Stephen Steinhilber, a former Nolan business associate and Virginia Beach restaurateur. Incline Wall Thus fortified, he removed the largest and sharpest of the dog's ribs, climbed stealthily from the pit and used the bone to stab the guard to death. Might be separated. He used the same bullshit that I just read. Poor Paul, he cant make it through American Sniper, not sure why but we certainly hope PTSD isnt causing issues. Not sure. As Shipley has pointed out in several of his videos, these guys conjure up stories from movies. Barbed Wire 6. The man claimed his North Vietnamese captors nailed him to a tree, then tossed him into a ditch and left him for dead. Most phonies will have no idea what hes talking about, and will assume he means a weapon. What Is The Name Of The BUD/S Training Compound In Coronado? Henry Jr was born Pa by his own admission. He faces up to five years in prison and a fine of up to $250,000. BUD/S is an unclassified school, no more classified that attending cooking school in the Navy. Two minor amplifications. Schantag, the Missourian who uncovers POW frauds, tells of the ``dog-bone man,' an imposter from Arkansas who tried to impress women with a fanciful story of escape from a Vietnam prison. etc. which would have been accurate in 1990-1991. Like a heat-seeking missile, Shipley pursues these imposters who have stolen the valor of those who have earned it. If Stern sent a copy of that letter to Lt. Col. Howard V. Lee in Virginia Beach, it apparently did not arrive. Part 4 BENJAMIN CRAIG SLAMAN the Fox News CIA SEAL Jerkoff Dude. Hes legit. Paul doesnt work at little villa anymore. By Dan Noyes via. the SEALs made several efforts to block an upgrade for Chapman, infuriating the Air Force. Hampton Roads is rich in the romance of frogmen and the famed SEAL Team 2 and owns bragging rights to TV ``Survivor' Rudy Boesch, probably the most celebrated SEAL of all. Its gotten so bad that some estimates put it at 1,000 phony SEALs for every 1 real SEAL. The Phonies can look at it too. Good thing Paul votes and encourages others to do the same. If a guy doesnt completely get the obstacles correct, it may depend on the year he went through training. Charles A. Moeller, USN-Ret.' Many rescue swimmers and AWs were potential recruits due to the nature of our training. Learn 11 ways to spot a fake Navy SEAL, as well as how to verify legit SEALs. Chuck Newell recruited my buddy Andy Nichols out of FASO Det Jax in the 90s. Phony Navy SEAL of the Week. We simply posted this article in the hopes ofstymieing a surge of bogus Navy SEAL claims. 12. There is a dog trainer in Brooklyn NY named Charles Henderson who always states he was in BUDs in 1987 Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL training Class 146 Special Warfare In fact, Id rather you not for the very reason you stated (i.e. I feel like its better to have the info out there and take the chance vs. keeping it under wraps. No true operator would diss the other services in public. In August, FBI agents arrested Nolan in Virginia Beach. Command Master Chief former Navy Seal Steve Viola learned in his deepest and darkest times that there two ways of doing things: the right way and again. On. While a guard stood sentry, the camp dog accidentally fell into the pit. He acted like a bad ass to intimidate people. Of course he has an American Flag flying, to included a Navy SEAL flag. Someone sent me an email last week trying to verify if one of his buddies was actually a SEAL. 10-4 thanks. They will be able to tell you what branch of the military the individual signed up for, the date he entered and left, and what exactly he did while serving. Yes, first letter A. So he says hes dying from a incurable disease, what a lie, unless being a moron is a disease. However, not everyone knows where the bell is. None of the names shows up in the Navy's official database of every man who ever completed training in the elite commando unit. Does anyone know where he lives in Arlington I know a few people who would like to speak with him. The 47 range in age from 22 to 62. ', ``That was the most profound thing I've ever heard,' Schantag said. A quick and easy way to trip up a potential fake navy SEAL is to ask him something like: Is a Draeger a semi-auto or fully-auto weapon?. With that said, if you want 100% proof, get in touch with Don Shipley. I talked to my interpreter Hiep, who lives in Houston -- hadn't talked to him in 31 years. What an idiot. ``Was it dishonorable? He carries badges in his car and displays them on driverside window. 14. The database contains the names of the more than 9,700 men who have served as SEALs and is updated with each graduating Basic Underwater Demolition/SEALs class. Arrowood, 43, demanded that Ashman apologize and set the record straight with his students. All Rights Reserved. I got a return email, but if theres an actual letter, that would be nice to have. This is another common one. ', The Ohio license plate read ``SKIP M.' Smaller letters at the bottom spelled ``NAVY SEAL.'. He is not from Wheeling. As of January 2020, there have been a total of 336 SEAL classes that have completed BUD/S training. Thanks!! Tires Not happening. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but theres a good chance hes a phony SEAL. Your email address will not be published. While the missions SEALs do can (and often are) be classified, the fact that someone was ever a Navy SEAL and/or attended BUD/S does not mean that their information isnt publicly available. Ive contacted Mr Shipley regarding my ex and received an email back stating that he was NOT a SEAL as he has always claimed. If he claims anything other than it being a dive rig, you know hes an impostor. Be careful who you trust, Rode in a van to the VA yesterday and listened to a guy tell me he was a SEAL in UDT in 1975, Team 3, Class 416, but never went to jump school. They may take a ride on them to get to their area of operations, but they do not become a part of the ships company. Additionally, many phony SEALs will spell awards and citations incorrectly. Unless you were a SEAL yourself, theres no way youre going to know whether or not the answer is B.S. 2: the obstacle between the rope swing and the incline wall used to be monkey bars. This is a common way people think they can trip up a fraudulent seal claim. I cant believe this joker pretending to be a seal and luring people into thinking your a hero. The modification was mostly done by 3rd Phase MCPO H. The stump jump was actually taller but was cut down because a 1st Phase instructor got a nasty shin wound while testing it out. Balance Logs The Navy SEAL museum has parallel bars replicas in their courtyard. Its essentially a written request in which you describe the information you need, in the format you want it in, in as much detail as possible. As Don Shipley has pointed out in some of his videos, there is no such thing as classified records. I have two brothers that served and literally wanted to know after reading his bullshit where he lives. I always go out of my way to say i was NOT a SEAL but worked with and for them. ``He told me, `Surviving that was the easy part. Quick Tip: Another thing you can ask is the color of the T-Shirt. SEALs arent stationed on ships. A tow truck soon appeared and removed the Lexus. Works Fridays, saturdays and mondays. He was questioned about being a SEAL and he states he was in Class 230. Have honor and not embellish your record with stolen valor. Peter Toth, 58, faces one count under Section 419 of the Criminal Code of Canada for unlawful use of military uniforms or certificates. One way to trip up a potential SEAL impostor is to ask him where on the BUD/S compound is the bell. SEAL Teams 1, 3, 5, and 7 are based out of Coronado, CA, and SEAL Teams 2, 4, 8, and 10 are based out of Little Creek, VA. His name is Gary J. Sprinzl. Thanks to these guys that served. Burma Bridge Arrowood's classroom was two doors from Ashman's. For example, Class 52 was designated 7102, which stood for the 2nd class of 1971. Great comments gents. And there are those who claim to be recipients of the Medal of Honor, the nation's most prestigious military citation. I was going over these comments while recently updating this page, and curiosity got the best of me.So I decided to verify if Robert Ray Alexander was ever a Navy SEAL with Don Shipley (Im a member of his site). Records show that Moeller did not graduate from the Naval Academy. If I remember correctly he earned the nickname in BUD/S. Charles A. This guy isnt dying of anything except mortification that he was caught. Check out this video of one of his latest catches. Henry sent me a DD214 in the name of Henry Sylvester Breiner who was born in NJ according to his SS#. We guess when you are making up crap it justcomes out like a rambling fool! training. The Tower was rebuilt also but because MCPO was tall, he made the freaking levels higher in between so it was a little harder for us short dudes. Parallel Bars So the obstacle course, or O-course, is a 20 obstacle course that all first phase trainees have to complete in 12 minutes or less. See images of our conversation below: Replying to Mr. Long: Would like someone to verify someone for me please. I was stationed on the USS Enterprise. While he never actually served in the US Military, he has a passion for writing about military related topics. Related to the above. He said his wife was a fat bitch that gained weight since they first met and cant stand her for always accusing him of cheating so thats exactly what he does and would laugh. Qty.. Nearly 700 names have been posted on the ``Wall of Shame' by CyberSEALs, whose members include ex-SEALs and a former Navy wife who once lived in Hampton Roads. Students just starting out in first phase wear white t-shirts. He said he was screwing his neighbor since he moved into Arlington Heights last year, meeting her at hotels and bars when we got off work and used to brag about it all the time, saying how easy it was to get away with it. slander). My records are only accessible to the POTUS. Yeah the only way youll be able to get info on that would be to contact the Naval Special Warfare Command (NSWC) in San Diego and do a FOIA request. Transfer Rope 10. Capt. Phil P. Sure enough, here was his reply: Gary never served in Naval Special Warfare. I go by it every day. But what do you say if he comes back with a class that might potentially match up? I bet his wife and neighbor would love to have coffee sometime. The site received one complaint about a man who spins his yarns at an Oceanfront nightspot in Virginia Beach. His wife is Amy ******** and is aware. He wont have to worry about any apology letter. He ``claims his body is a registered lethal weapon. There is no record of anyone with Moeller's Social Security number in the military service records database. Kent W. Ewing was skipper of the America when Nolan served there a decade ago. And, our phase one helmets were red, no helmets at phase 2 (Underwater Swimmers School in Key West), Olive Drab at Ft Benning and any and all training afterwards. USN-Mus1 is US Navy, Musician 1. Sooner or later it will catch up with him. Dirty Name (I wasnt a SEAL). I am slow at getting around to this story about the douche bag piece of shit named Paul. It should be easy to trip up a phony SEAL by asking them to name any of the obstacles on the O-Course. He used to years back always write I received training at Navy SEALs BUD training school He would kind of infer that he was a SEAL. (see stolen valor). ``This has been tearing me apart,' he said. Quick Note: For a few years (early 70s-ish), BUD/S classes were designated like the other training classes in the Navy. 11. I used to work with him and his stories always seemed strange and the military terminology just didnt jive. Most folks that Ive known who had an incurable disease didnt go around trying to convince anyone that they were super heroes. . This content community relies on user-generated content from our member contributors. I was a Marine and they transferred me to the SEALs. Robbie has been listed as a fraud and resigned from the VFW. Posted on Dec 31st, 2018, 3:32 PM The UN children's agency said they documented a number of cases of IS fighters killing the children of families trying to flee militant-held neighbourhoods in Mosul This trailer is about terrorism in America Irvine spoke about new terrorist threats and ASIO's capacity to deal with them Man thrown to his death from Especially the one of June 28.. posted on Dec, 27 2002 @ 09:15 AM. His Afghanistan storys didnt seem like it was something you would tell people. Id like him to meet some REAL SEALs I know down here in Virginia Beach. The business seemed to have the earmarks of success. Those kids work their asses off to achieve something that is a time honored tradition! I worked with this piece of shit the summer of 2016 with this fuck face. Hooyah Logs And all of a sudden hes got an incurable disease, and I think I know what it is, its called Small Penis Syndrome. But there was something fishy about the guy. Once they pass Hell Week, they are given brown T-Shirts. 19. He is not listed in the Navy SEAL database. I just want to know if he did attend these trainings and did he become a SEAL also. They have a "wall of shame" webpage and you can now research. Jose Carlos Montanez - Navy Chief, U.S. Navy SEAL, BUD/S Class 176, Panama 1990, Blog of Shame. He knew his colleague was an imposter. Dirtbag wanna be poser there is a million names for this bonesmoker! 3. Quickly became friends with Paul, but became very skeptical because he was very vague with his service and had no deployment photos. This guy my daughter was dating claimed to be a navy seal. Arrowood said Ashman did not apologize and on Feb. 15, 2000, Ashman's name was added to the ``Wall of Shame,' where it remains today. . One technique Ive seen Shipley use is to ask the phony if he could guide him to the bell from the front entrance of the BUD/S compound. Click Here to see what a FOIA is and how to request one, and heres the contact info for WARCOM: Naval Special Warfare Command What incurable disease lying and bs. Without reliable evidence, you just publicly suggested that Mr. Robert Ray Alexander is likely a lifelong inveterate liar and a fraud. I would never do anything to disgrace my family, my country or my God. Anyone who graduated from BUD/S, regardless of whether or not they were / are foreign enrolees, will be listed in the database. My son in laws father served in Vietnam as a UDT. Might be a family owned place where he bartends. If so I feel sorry for this guy. He lives in Arlington Heights, Illinois and is renting there someplace. Ive actually spoken to him about writing for the site. All SEALs pay serious attention to detail, and would be very difficult to imagine one making a spelling error such as that. Barbed Wire He took her to Coronado and was yelling at new recruits. A faker better know most of the obstacles regardless. Its a dive rig that ALL SEALs use as part of their dive training in 2nd phase of BUD/S, as well as real-world operations. 1: the second obstacle on the O course used to be a stump jump (10 diameter logs sticking up out of the sand between 2 to 4 in the air. My husband has been having horrible PTSD thinking about theft of Valor and how Henry got a contractor job because of a lie. Then he made his way to freedom. Note: The author of this post was never a Navy SEAL, and doesnt claim to be. 5. Some people started making comments and stating they felt he was a BS artist. 20. 27. The combat conditioning course was also added during that time frame to the San Clemente training area. Randy Lee Everette, 44, of Virginia Beach, a former Navy man, operates a Web site dedicated to honoring Medal of Honor recipients and exposing fakes. ``I had heard about the phonies and it dawned on me that I may have worked with one,' wrote another. Heres his site: https://www.extremesealexperience.com/Fake-Navy-Seal-Verification, My Father was a Frogman\ Seal. Thanks for publishing. Not sure when or why that changed, but I do remember a bunch of people getting the callous torn on that one because of being wet for so long and the skin was soft. If a guy is claiming to be a SEAL and mentions something like this, hes probably a fake. Amazingly, he shut the hell up and tried to change the subject. Paul Puccillo - Fake Navy SEAL, Blog of Shame Navy . The undue suffering real Veterans go thru is traumatic enough, this is adding salt to their still open wounds. When a student DORs, hes instructed to ring the bell 3 times and place his helmet in the line of quitters. Everette has posted the bios of nearly five dozen would-be Medal of Honor winners on his Internet ``Hall of Shame.' I used it on cabinets to restore them at this house. SEAL Team 6 doesnt count, because theyre basically their own thing. All SEALs, regardless of what branch they may have previously served in, go through BUD/S. Its pretty simple. Spider Wall Never says he completed or became a SEAL. wow. Vendor: National Mustangs. Not saying with 100% certainty that he isnt what he says he is, but just thought you should be aware. If someone claims to be a SEAL, he can quickly verify with 100% accuracy whether or not the claims are true. I was in the aspiring seal group on Facebook. If someone is claiming that, they are lying to you. Then you tactically take cool pic of your kid, not forgetting to get your SEAL Team Four shirt in it!!!! We've gone to 7 states and confronted 15 phonies to date and were only getting warmed up. In the posts below from the Facebook Mentors page, members speak about Paul being a SEAL. Everybody wants to be a Navy Seal until it becomes time to do Navy SEAL stuff. July 29, 1967 while on the deck and in his plane on the carrier U. 7. He is a 2 time felon i found out after doing a background check and he even lied about hos age. Hes at venutis in Addison. Robert Ray Alexander. I remember him telling me that he was training to be a navy seal. 05/30/2017 by hombrerana1221. A "Wall of Shame" compiled by former Navy SEAL R.D. He was a Mess cook in the Navy, too many Steven Segal movies I guess. The color of the helmet is different for each phase: If the guy youre talking to cant answer a simple question like what color was your 2nd phase helmet?, then he likely wasnt a SEAL. When Arrowood, a veteran of SEAL teams 1 and 2, posed questions about Ashman's SEAL background, he gave the wrong answers, Arrowood said. ``As kids filtered into class, they'd say, `You used to be a SEAL? Enrollment is voluntary as there is no comprehensive list of Purple Heart recipients, Similarly, the Hall of Valor project explicitly says, We are in the midst of a multi-year effort to identify recipients of Silver Star and below. His videos are a joke and where did he come up with these stories he deserves to be punished and a real seal and soldier to explain how things really are out there and not in his fairytale land. Then you can use some color to make the kitchen pop . You are a low life and will be found out there as you were found out here. After contacting the UDT/SEAL archives and checking the UDT/SEAL database we found that there is NO record of Paul Puccilloeverbeing or training to become a Navy SEAL. The message on his answering machine identifies him as ``Captain Charles Moeller.' Thanks to you folks here for doing the heavy lifting, and sparing us all the disgust in exposing these phonies. What a pussy he needs his ass kicked by someone anyone that can find him. -R. Robbins (172). His name is Gurio Vincenti, sound familiar? If they didnt cut it, they were booted off the team. 35 34 Related questions More answers below Just FYI, there are actually also foreign enrollment BUD/S graduates, I dont think those guys are listed in the database. The USN stopped flying combat missions in 1973 although, an aircraft carrier remained on station until 1975. It surely is a bad idea to annoy the Navy and an even worse one to annoy a Navy SEAL. Do the math. The group gave him a five-star rating, its most ignoble designation. I was part of a 3 man boat crew for SEAFOX, one of the many different spec war boats within the boat units (now called boat teams). It was time for the truth to come out. any way you can verify if JAMES KRAUSE, age approx. ', Arrowood reported Ashman to CyberSEALs. The SEALS came to them and recruited them. One of Shipleys favorite lines when hes questioning the clowns claiming to be SEALs is: Have you ever shot a Draeger?. His fat ass bitch of a wife as he would say will have some questions for him and I hope his cheating thing is exposed with the neighbor. Phone: 619-537-1133 Not to bum out anyones day but at the Coronado facility, the Phil Bucklew building has been torn down, there is construction currently on the site. He lured investors by posing as a former secret operative with the Navy, according to court papers. On its ``Wall of Shame,' CyberSEALs says Nolan claimed to be a member of Seal teams 2 and 6. Paul wasstarting to become our herosarcasm is just a free service we offer here at Military Phony. ASVAB Scores For Air Force Jobs: All 130+ For 2022, How To Choose The Right Military Branch For You, 6 Ways To Check If Someone Was In The Military / Verify Military Service. No such thing. He is more bewildered than enraged by those who would steal his glory. This guy is a real loser. After training ceased, we converted back to sequential numbers. I just lost a friend who was a SEAL way back before lying about it was even a thing. Neither do i. Its a paid membership site that costs just $10 a month, and will give you access to all of his Phony SEAL Of The Week videos, among many others. Nearly 700 names have been posted on the ``Wall of Shame'' by CyberSEALs, whose members include ex-SEALs and a former Navy wife who once lived in Hampton Roads. Yeah, I thought of that when I was writing the article, and it crossed my mind again just the other day. Paul was nice enough to show off this Dog Tags, these must have been ordered on Ebay because the military does not put the members unit let alone UDT/SEAL. Lee has never polished his Medal of Honor. As word of the Web site and its mission spreads, the list grows. He declined requests for an interview. Hes a busy guy, so reluctantly (but not surprisingly) turned it down. The masquerade surfaced in February when an organization that exposes SEAL imposters posted his name on its Internet ``Wall of Shame.'. Where On The BUD/S Compound Is The Bell? ``If he had, we could have settled this just between us. ', ``I made no boasts, no claims that I did anything heroic, that I fought anywhere, that I won any medals. This is somewhat related to the question above. All content copyright 2023, AboveTopSecret.com. Wait until the mother fer is dead and check on his headstone. he actually said id not find him on paper as there are multiple bounties on his head yet he seems to know every detail of SEAL life. Vaults. She had to go dig out the legal name change paperwork and jump through all kinds of hoops just to get USN Mus1 put on his headstone. In addition to Nolan, would-be SEALs with local ties include a schoolteacher, a former Secret Service agent, a car dealer, a merchant seaman, an NROTC officer candidate, a real estate agent, a limousine driver, active-duty military members, men who have never served in any branch of the armed forces, and barroom and chat-room poseurs. About Shame Wall Of Seals Navy Fake. When a Scandinavian businessman demanded that Nolan pay a $63,000 debt, Nolan told the businessman he had been a member of the special forces with the U.S. military, according to testimony by an FBI agent who investigated Nolan. However, in 2017 Shipley actually moved off of youtube to his own site, videos.extremesealexperience.com. Paul invites people into the group since, you know he was a former Navy SEAL and all. FITH. Editor's note: This story originally was published in The Virginian-Pilot on Dec. 9, 2001. Instead, they essentially received on the job training. 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