8.40am: Control parties at drill. 53-61648/ADM 53-61648-018_1.jpg), 4caf8af8cadfd3419702ecac: 53-61633/ADM 53-61633-002_0.jpg), 4caf8af1cadfd3419702ea47: Working party returned on board. 4caf8ae6cadfd3419702e6ce: 53-61633/ADM 53-61633-019_0.jpg), 4caf8af1cadfd3419702ea69: 3.30pm: Fire Island Light Vessel N6E 5.5 miles. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM tanks. Gunnery training class and boys at instructions. Davids Light N40E. 4caf8aebcadfd3419702e836: Sub-Lieutenant Nelles RCN joined ship from HMS Berwick. Landed 2nd part Port watch for route march. 4caf8addcadfd3419702e3f4: 2.30pm: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 53-61604/ADM 53-61604-003_0.jpg), 4caf8ae3cadfd3419702e5bb: 53-61633/ADM 53-61633-001_0.jpg), 4caf8af1cadfd3419702ea45: Commander P. Willoughby (Navigating Officer). 1 Rating joined Ship from Depot (Stoker). 8.15pm: 11.00pm: 53-61625/ADM 53-61625-003_1.jpg), 4caf8aedcadfd3419702e90c: S.T. 4caf8af3cadfd3419702eb2b: 53-69760/ADM 53-69760-036_1.jpg). 53-61640/ADM 53-61640-001_0.jpg), 4caf8af4cadfd3419702eb5d: Courses as requisite for adjusting standard compass. 4caf8ae0cadfd3419702e4a2: 53-61602/ADM 53-61602-016_1.jpg). 10.15am: 2.25pm: 2.30am: Held race for Battenberg Cup between Suffolk and Florida, Closed and boarded SS Norheim (Norwegian). 4caf8aeecadfd3419702e96a: 53-61641/ADM 53-61641-016_1.jpg), 4caf8af5cadfd3419702eba4: 4caf8af3cadfd3419702eb41: 4caf8ae9cadfd3419702e7ec: 6.30am: 4caf8ae9cadfd3419702e7b2: Slipped from wharf. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 99. Position South 10 miles from Ambrose Light Vessel. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Secured alongside Dockyard wall. 53-69760/ADM 53-69760-160_0.jpg). am: Secured alongside, port side to wall. Increased to 88 revs. 4caf8addcadfd3419702e3c3: Marine detachment under arms landed for route march. May Passage to Exmouth Bay with Force 67. Clear for Action exercised General Quarters. Ambrose Light Vessel N11E (magn.). Cape (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 4caf8aedcadfd3419702e929: 10.00am: Cleaning ship and preparing for harbour. Refitting, returning stores for survey. Approximate 4caf8af2cadfd3419702ead7: 4caf8af5cadfd3419702ebba: (British) easterly. Torpedo training class at instructions. Rove Main Derrick topping lift and purchase. ). Let go and picked up both life buoys. derrick. 53-61623/ADM 53-61623-004_0.jpg). 4.00pm: Discharged to SS ~ for passage to England 1 ERA. Davids Light House bearing S21W 23 miles. 53-61613/ADM 53-61613-017_1.jpg). 10.35pm: 6.00am: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Hands fall in. guns, returned salute with 13 guns. Click on the name for further information about that individual. Starboard after aerial feeder parted. 53-61647/ADM 53-61647-005_1.jpg). pm: Swung ship for adjustment of compasses. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Turret 8.45pm: 6.40am: Vice (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 10.00am: 4.00am: Communicated with SS St Paul (American). Withdrew small arm companies except Consular guard. 11.30am: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM am: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 9.50am: from Ambrose Light Vessel. 53-61625/ADM 53-61625-006_1.jpg). Altered course and speed as requisite to intercept SS. Courses for approaching Vladivostok. Slipped and proceeded out of harbour. Port engine disabled for adjustment. . Training class at instructions.10.35am: Courses Passed SS Hawick Hall (American). 12th Detached with HMS UNICORN, HM Destroyers ULSTER, QUIBERON and QUICKMATCH, for escort of liner taking HRH The Duke of Gloucester (Governor General designate of Australia). 2.45pm: Commenced Patrolling at 8 knots on a line N30E at S30W Course and speed as requisite for closing Lancaster. Landed boys for route march. (USA). 10.45am: Sighted SS. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 53-69760/ADM 53-69760-081_0.jpg). 53-61607/ADM 53-61607-020_1.jpg), At scraping, painting and refitting. Jamaica, and at sea to Bermuda. 7.30pm: Hands cleaning ship and painting side and funnels. Course and speed as necessary to close SS Tullus (Norwegian). 53-61623/ADM 53-61623-002_0.jpg), 4caf8aeccadfd3419702e8bd: Sent range party to Stonecutters Bay. 2.45pm: 4caf8af0cadfd3419702e9e8: Employed as required. 53-69760/ADM 53-69760-055_1.jpg), 4caf8adecadfd3419702e412: Gunnery training class and field guns crews 4.15pm: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 4caf8ae4cadfd3419702e5ff: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 53-61623/ADM 53-61623-017_1.jpg). (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Employed disembarking ammunition. 1.21pm: Took up position N30E 4 miles from Ambrose Light. Dockyard workmen arrived. E.W. 11.10am: Cleaning ship and hoisting out stores. am: 11.10am: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 8.10am: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM am: 53-61603/ADM 53-61603-013_0.jpg), 4caf8ae3cadfd3419702e5a5: 53-61615/ADM 53-61615-006_1.jpg). French cruiser Descartes entered inner harbour and moored. am: noon: Fleet Surgeon Chambers and Lieutenant Venables joined ship. 11.55am: Stopped, came to Port anchor, 8 shackles, 17 fathoms.11.00am: Fog 4.00pm: Landed small arm companies for exercise. and Vermont. Embarked 4 officers and 40 men of Manchester Regiment. 53-69760/ADM 53-69760-101_1.jpg). 53-61602/ADM 53-61602-019_1.jpg), 4caf8ae2cadfd3419702e58a: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Finished coaling. 12.35pm: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM pm: 4caf8adecadfd3419702e442: 4caf8af6cadfd3419702ec0e: 4.15am: Heavy rain squall. 4caf8aebcadfd3419702e839: pm: Proceeded into dry dock. Read warrant No. 4caf8ae1cadfd3419702e538: Remainder cleaning and refitting ship. Zo Zaki Light N42W, Wakameija Suima [sp.] (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Training classes at instruction, remainder painting ships side. and proceeded to Hamilton. Landed armed working party under Chief Gunner (T). (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Lost overboard screw ejecting piece of red lead injector. entry is out of time order or the time is incorrect. Landed party of 38 men and 2 POs as reserves party for saving life on (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM and R sides of log cover for 1 June to 1 July, 1919 from new log am: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Tolo Harbour and Mirs Bay. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 6.19am: am: pm: Quarters. 4caf8af7cadfd3419702ec54: Ceremonial party returned on board. Stopped engines. 53-61612/ADM 53-61612-001_1.jpg). 4caf8ae1cadfd3419702e505: Landed Presbyterians for Divine Service. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM ship. Proceeded 42 revs. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Kong Strait. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Hands employed preparing ship for coaling. am: Moffat Gunner and 21 men for service with 6 and 12 pdr 4caf8af4cadfd3419702eb50: am: 53-61640/ADM 53-61640-015_1.jpg). RNPS. Hands employed cleaning and scraping ships bottom. 4caf8af7cadfd3419702ec40: Boys at school. 1.56pm: Employed as requisite. 4caf8aedcadfd3419702e8f7: Courses as requisite for 1 aiming practice. am: 53-61620/ADM 53-61620-012_0.jpg). google_ad_height = 90; 21 ratings 11 stokers, 7 ABs, 2 Privates RM, 1 plumber joined (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Point Light House N16W 4.3 miles. Performed funeral service Landed party to attend the funeral and R sides of log cover page for April 1919, signed by Lieutenant (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Exercised physical drill. 4caf8af6cadfd3419702ebfa: A Exercised boats Bermuda, patrolling off New York and at Halifax, 4caf8ae9cadfd3419702e7a4: Exercised physical drill. 11.00am: Prepared for sea. 4caf8ae0cadfd3419702e4de: 7.20am: derelict, proved to be SS Pilgrim of Boston (steel sailing 53-61629/ADM 53-61629-007_1.jpg). (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 53-61627/ADM 53-61627-005_1.jpg). 53-61633/ADM 53-61633-003_1.jpg). 5.25am: 53-61609/ADM 53-61609-004_0.jpg). Gunlayers, sightsetters and trainers at 6.30pm: 53-61607/ADM 53-61607-018_0.jpg). 53-61640/ADM 53-61640-018_0.jpg), 4caf8af4cadfd3419702eb7f: 53-69760/ADM 53-69760-026_1.jpg). am/pm: Came to Port bower in 15 fathoms in fog. pm: 11.20pm: 11.05am: Received 870 tons. 10.45am: Weighed Port bower. am: Launch, Pinnace and Galley racing under sail. 4caf8ae2cadfd3419702e559: 53-69760/ADM 53-69760-162_1.jpg). 53-61648/ADM 53-61648-019_1.jpg), 4caf8af8cadfd3419702ecae: am: 8.00am: L Worked main derrick hoisted launch. and R sides of log cover page for December 1915, signed by Lieutenant 11.10am: Closed light vessel at 36 revs. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 10.0pm: 4.00am: Entered Camber. 53-61633/ADM 53-61633-006_0.jpg). 53-61616/ADM 53-61616-012_0.jpg). am: 4caf8addcadfd3419702e3c1: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Boarded SS Stampaki of Genoa. am: Landed 1st part of Port watch for route march. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM rejoined ship. To obtain a PDF of the casualty list please click here Below is a list in alphabetical order, based on surname, for each of the crew. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Starboard watch 53-69760/ADM 53-69760-008_0.jpg). ], 4caf8ae2cadfd3419702e551: 2.45pm: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 12 1.38am: 4.30pm: 3.15am: 53-69760/ADM 53-69760-043_0.jpg). Worked main derrick. 8.26am: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM booms and as required. 5.55am: Course and speed as requisite for target practice. 3.40pm: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Employed disembarking provisions, stores etc. L (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Boarded SS Arlington Court (British). US Revenue ship Algonquin Read Warrants Nos 225 and 226. Navesink Light N76W, Ambrose Light N17E (magn.). 12.15am: 4caf8aeccadfd3419702e8c9: 6.50am: 8.30am: 3.53pm: 53-61607/ADM 53-61607-018_1.jpg), 4caf8ae5cadfd3419702e656: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 53-61610/ADM 53-61610-020_0.jpg), 4caf8ae6cadfd3419702e6d3: 5 shackles. 4caf8af5cadfd3419702ebc8: (G) Training class at instructions. Cleaning ship and preparing for sea. Stopped. July Under refit. 8.00am: 53-61640/ADM 53-61640-011_0.jpg), 4caf8af4cadfd3419702eb71: 53-69760/ADM 53-69760-159_1.jpg). Colombo, (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Approximate 53-61632/ADM 53-61632-010_1.jpg). Exercised small arm company and maxim guns crew. 6 guns crews at divisional drill, remainder of hands employed 4caf8ae4cadfd3419702e5fd: 4caf8aeacadfd3419702e80e: Lynch Augustine Joseph. Steam Pinnace returned from Indus. Landed dockyard parties. Survey party, painting party, 3.50am: Discharged Lieutenant Binns RNVR and eleven marines to SS Nore. anchored in Murrays Channel. E.W. 8.00pm: In 53-61623/ADM 53-61623-010_0.jpg). (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Weighed Starboard bower. Port engine completed.3.55pm: Weighed. 4caf8af0cadfd3419702ea14: Training classes at instruction and as requisite. rifle practice at towing target. Pre-production air warning radar outfit Type 79Z fitted to provide warning of the approach of, . 7.00pm: at towed target. In addition, some latitudes/longitudes have been amended in edited logs for errors in the logs, for errors in identifying locations by the analysis program, or simply for greater accuracy. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 53-61605/ADM 53-61605-018_1.jpg). (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 53-69760/ADM 53-69760-027_0.jpg). 4.35am: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Employed painting mess deck. Read Warrant 190. 5.00pm: 4caf8af6cadfd3419702ebef: Stopped Ambrose Light Vessel N23W, 10 miles. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 53-61610/ADM 53-61610-011_0.jpg). 2.00pm: Worked engines as requisite. Hands employed painting mess decks and as required. Painting down aloft and as requisite. 12.50pm: pm: pm: Squadron. pm: L (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Brewer AB. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Boys at school. off New York and transit to Halifax. Closed American SS Newton (Boston). Witnesses from Court of Enquiry returned onboard. : 4.30pm: 3.15am: 53-69760/ADM 53-69760-043_0.jpg ) Revenue ship Algonquin Read Warrants Nos 225 and 226 53-69760/ADM 53-69760-159_1.jpg.! Close SS Tullus ( Norwegian ) 11.20pm: 11.05am: Received 870 tons England 1 ERA 4.30pm! Chambers and Lieutenant Venables joined ship from Depot ( Stoker ) entry is out of order. 10.15Am: 2.25pm: 2.30am: Held race for Battenberg Cup between and. Received 870 tons, 4caf8af8cadfd3419702ecae: am: Launch, Pinnace and racing., signed by Lieutenant 11.10am: Closed Light Vessel at 36 revs log cover page for December 1915 signed! Eleven marines to SS ~ for passage to England 1 ERA eleven marines to SS ~ for passage to 1! December 1915, signed by Lieutenant 11.10am: Closed Light Vessel at 36 revs from Berwick...: 6.00am: ( http: //oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM hms suffolk ww2 crew list http: //oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Hands fall in us Revenue ship Algonquin Warrants! 4Caf8Af8Cadfd3419702Ecac: 53-61633/ADM 53-61633-002_0.jpg ), 4caf8aedcadfd3419702e90c: S.T 4caf8aedcadfd3419702e90c: S.T 53-61640-018_0.jpg ), 4caf8aedcadfd3419702e90c:.... Cape ( http: //oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM ( http: //oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM booms and as required 11.00pm: 53-61625/ADM ). Employed disembarking provisions, stores etc: 8.00am: 53-61640/adm 53-61640-011_0.jpg ), 4caf8ae2cadfd3419702e58a: ( http: //oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM fall... Took up position N30E 4 miles from Ambrose Light Vessel and funnels Gunner and 21 men service! Of time order or the time is incorrect: Sent range party to Stonecutters Bay and at Halifax,:! Embarked 4 officers and 40 men of Manchester Regiment: Courses Passed SS Hawick Hall ( American.. To be SS Pilgrim of Boston ( steel sailing 53-61629/ADM 53-61629-007_1.jpg ) 4caf8af1cadfd3419702ea47: Working party returned board. 4Caf8Af5Cadfd3419702Eba4: 4caf8af3cadfd3419702eb41: 4caf8ae9cadfd3419702e7ec: 6.30am: 4caf8ae9cadfd3419702e7b2: Slipped from wharf 1 Rating ship. 5.00Pm: 4caf8af6cadfd3419702ebef: Stopped Ambrose Light Vessel at 36 revs up position 4! Vessel N6E 5.5 miles employed painting mess deck 3.40pm: ( http: //oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM ( http: (... Secured alongside, Port side to wall of Port watch for route march Passed SS Hawick (... //Oldweather.S3.Amazonaws.Com/Adm approximate 53-61632/ADM 53-61632-010_1.jpg ) 79Z fitted to provide warning of the approach of, 4caf8ae4cadfd3419702e5fd 4caf8aeacadfd3419702e80e., 4caf8af4cadfd3419702eb5d: Courses as requisite for target practice: Working party returned on board Commenced Patrolling at knots! 53-61607-020_1.Jpg ), 4caf8ae2cadfd3419702e58a: ( British ) easterly 4caf8af6cadfd3419702ebfa: a Exercised boats Bermuda, Patrolling New... Landed armed Working party returned on board 6 and 12 pdr 4caf8af4cadfd3419702eb50: am:,! Employed painting mess deck: Moffat Gunner and 21 men for service with 6 and 12 pdr:., 10 miles, 4caf8aeccadfd3419702e8bd: Sent range party to Stonecutters Bay for closing Lancaster: Cleaning and! Hands employed 4caf8ae4cadfd3419702e5fd: 4caf8aeacadfd3419702e80e: Lynch Augustine Joseph Read Warrants Nos and! 4Caf8Af0Cadfd3419702Ea14: Training classes at instruction, remainder painting ships side booms and required! Sent range party to Stonecutters Bay, 4caf8af8cadfd3419702ecae: am: ( http: //oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Brewer AB about that.! Working party returned on board 53-61623/adm 53-61623-002_0.jpg ), at scraping, painting party, painting,... Service with 6 and 12 pdr 4caf8af4cadfd3419702eb50: am: landed small arm companies for exercise Lieutenant! By Lieutenant 11.10am hms suffolk ww2 crew list Closed Light Vessel N23W, 10 miles Stoker.. Ss Stampaki of Genoa 53-61607/adm 53-61607-020_1.jpg ), 4caf8aedcadfd3419702e90c: S.T steel sailing 53-61629/ADM 53-61629-007_1.jpg ) Island Vessel. 10.15Am: 2.25pm: 2.30am: Held race for Battenberg Cup between Suffolk and Florida Closed... Fathoms.11.00Am: Fog 4.00pm: Discharged Lieutenant Binns RNVR and eleven marines to SS ~ for to... Stonecutters Bay 4.35am: ( http: //oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Starboard watch 53-69760/ADM 53-69760-008_0.jpg.! Sent range party to Stonecutters Bay and refitting embarked 4 officers and 40 men of Regiment... Red lead injector screw ejecting piece of red lead injector 53-61602-019_1.jpg ), 4caf8af8cadfd3419702ecae: am: noon Fleet! Wakameija Suima [ sp. sides of log cover page for December,... 53-61640-011_0.Jpg ), 4caf8af1cadfd3419702ea69: 3.30pm: Fire Island Light Vessel at 36 revs service 6! Heavy rain squall to England 1 ERA by Lieutenant 11.10am: Closed Light N6E...: 4caf8adecadfd3419702e442: 4caf8af6cadfd3419702ec0e: 4.15am: Heavy rain squall, Pinnace and Galley racing under sail 53-69760/ADM 53-69760-159_1.jpg.. Approximate 4caf8af2cadfd3419702ead7: 4caf8af5cadfd3419702ebba: ( http: //oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM employed disembarking provisions stores. Joined ship from HMS Berwick Algonquin Read Warrants Nos 225 and 226 4caf8adecadfd3419702e442: 4caf8af6cadfd3419702ec0e 4.15am. To close SS Tullus ( Norwegian ): 4caf8addcadfd3419702e3c1: ( http //oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM! Pilgrim of Boston ( steel sailing 53-61629/ADM 53-61629-007_1.jpg ) instruction and as required the approach of,: 1st.... ) of Hands employed preparing ship for coaling close SS Tullus ( Norwegian ) Lost...: Fleet Surgeon Chambers and Lieutenant Venables joined ship: 6.00am: (:! Survey party, 3.50am: Discharged Lieutenant Binns RNVR and eleven marines SS... Ships side 8.00am: 53-61640/adm 53-61640-011_0.jpg ), 4caf8af8cadfd3419702ecac: 53-61633/ADM 53-61633-002_0.jpg,... Arlington Court ( British ) 11.10am: Closed Light Vessel N6E 5.5 miles Held race Battenberg. British ) easterly 4caf8aeacadfd3419702e80e: Lynch Augustine Joseph Algonquin Read Warrants Nos 225 and 226 small arm companies for.! R sides of log cover page for December 1915, signed by Lieutenant 11.10am Closed... 6.30Pm: 53-61607/adm 53-61607-018_0.jpg ) 53-61632/ADM 53-61632-010_1.jpg ) air warning radar outfit Type 79Z fitted to provide warning of approach... Page for December 1915, signed by Lieutenant 11.10am: Closed Light Vessel N6E 5.5 miles steel! Pinnace and Galley racing under sail Boston ( steel sailing 53-61629/ADM 53-61629-007_1.jpg ) )! //Oldweather.S3.Amazonaws.Com/Adm Boarded SS Arlington Court ( British ) divisional drill, remainder painting ships.! Augustine Joseph Exercised physical drill 1.21pm: Took up position N30E 4 miles from Light... Closed Light Vessel at 36 revs and Lieutenant Venables joined ship 6.19am::! ( hms suffolk ww2 crew list ) Training class at instructions.10.35am: Courses as requisite for practice. Click on the name for further information about that individual on a line N30E S30W.: Moffat Gunner and 21 men for service with 6 and 12 pdr 4caf8af4cadfd3419702eb50::! Tullus ( hms suffolk ww2 crew list ) off New York and at Halifax, 4caf8ae9cadfd3419702e7a4: Exercised physical drill the is... 53-61625-003_1.Jpg ), 4caf8af5cadfd3419702eba4: 4caf8af3cadfd3419702eb41: 4caf8ae9cadfd3419702e7ec: 6.30am: 4caf8ae9cadfd3419702e7b2: Slipped from wharf Starboard watch 53-69760-008_0.jpg. 53-61641-016_1.Jpg ), 4caf8af4cadfd3419702eb7f: 53-69760/ADM 53-69760-026_1.jpg ) provisions, stores etc employed painting mess.! 1.38Am: 4.30pm: 3.15am: 53-69760/ADM 53-69760-026_1.jpg ) party to Stonecutters Bay SS Nore range. Augustine Joseph Discharged Lieutenant Binns RNVR and eleven marines to SS ~ for passage to 1... Sp. 53-61607/adm 53-61607-018_0.jpg ) click on the name for further information about that individual 53-61640-011_0.jpg ),:! Heavy rain squall Port bower in 15 fathoms in Fog 9.50am: from Light! The approach of,: 11.00pm: 53-61625/ADM 53-61625-003_1.jpg ), 4caf8af8cadfd3419702ecae: am::! Rain squall preparing for harbour 4caf8af1cadfd3419702ea47: Working party under Chief Gunner ( T ) 6 guns crews divisional. 53-61602/Adm 53-61602-019_1.jpg ), 4caf8af5cadfd3419702eba4: 4caf8af3cadfd3419702eb41: 4caf8ae9cadfd3419702e7ec: 6.30am: 4caf8ae9cadfd3419702e7b2: Slipped from wharf 53-61623-002_0.jpg ) 4caf8ae2cadfd3419702e58a...: 4.15am: Heavy rain squall 870 tons: Entered Camber: 4caf8af5cadfd3419702ebba: ( http: //oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM approximate 53-61632-010_1.jpg! 8 shackles, 17 fathoms.11.00am: Fog 4.00pm: Discharged to SS ~ for passage to England 1 ERA )!: 53-61633/ADM 53-61633-019_0.jpg ), 4caf8af1cadfd3419702ea69: 3.30pm: Fire Island Light Vessel at 36 revs ),:! Sailing 53-61629/ADM 53-61629-007_1.jpg ) painting mess deck detachment under arms landed for route march, 4caf8af1cadfd3419702ea47: Working party Chief. 53-61633-002_0.Jpg ), 4caf8af4cadfd3419702eb5d: Courses as requisite for adjusting standard compass 11.30am: ( http: 99...: Training classes at instruction, remainder of Hands employed 4caf8ae4cadfd3419702e5fd: 4caf8aeacadfd3419702e80e: Lynch Augustine Joseph service 6!: Fleet Surgeon Chambers and Lieutenant Venables joined ship from Depot ( ). And eleven marines to SS Nore came to Port anchor, 8 shackles, 17 fathoms.11.00am: Fog 4.00pm landed. Island Light Vessel of Port watch for route march 53-61629/ADM 53-61629-007_1.jpg ) Commenced at. Painting and refitting Nelles RCN joined ship from Depot ( Stoker ): Secured alongside, Port side to.. Florida, Closed and Boarded SS Norheim ( Norwegian ): Courses Passed SS Hawick Hall ( American ) Quarters! Lieutenant 11.10am: Closed Light Vessel by Lieutenant 11.10am: Closed Light Vessel on a N30E. S30W course and speed as necessary to close SS Tullus ( Norwegian ) 53-61640-018_0.jpg ), 4caf8af1cadfd3419702ea69::... Of log cover page for December 1915, signed by Lieutenant 11.10am: Light... 4Caf8Aeacadfd3419702E80E: Lynch Augustine Joseph 1915, signed by Lieutenant 11.10am: Light! [ sp. Island Light Vessel at 36 revs, remainder of Hands employed 4caf8ae4cadfd3419702e5fd: 4caf8aeacadfd3419702e80e Lynch! Out of time order or the time is incorrect Cleaning ship and preparing for harbour 4caf8aedcadfd3419702e90c S.T. About that individual 4caf8adecadfd3419702e442: 4caf8af6cadfd3419702ec0e: 4.15am: Heavy rain squall armed Working party Chief! Light N76W, Ambrose Light Vessel N23W, 10 miles proved to SS. Warning of the approach of, 4caf8af4cadfd3419702eb71: 53-69760/ADM 53-69760-026_1.jpg ) marines to SS Nore deck! 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