When Buster was wrapped up and dropped from the full 35ft (11m), he experienced forces of 29 g (torso) and 48 g (head), indicating that he would survive with some degree of injury. Just don't do it before you face the judge Human flesh has often been called the "long pork," so perhaps we didn't need a robot to tell us. Adam, Jamie, Tory, Kari and Grant explored eight firearm-related movie scenarios. For a final test, they attached one steel plate to Buster's back and a second to a specially built seat frame, to act as "ideal" surfaces for adhesion. The length of a typical action-movie gunfight is realistic. Grant: Sword-swinging robot (first used in ", A viewer-submitted trivia quiz about past episodes, Adam gave the quiz as a series of buzz-in questions, with Kari winning by a large margin, Grant coming in second, and Tory coming in third. TVTropes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Garfield comments that the cat food he's eating "tastes sort of like chicken". Although the two explosions appeared very similar and destroyed one of the cameras, the team chose the dryer as being slightly more impressive. The 150ft (46m) flight claimed in 2010's ", Reviewing the earlier test footage, the Build Team decided to redesign their flight vehicle to increase its stability and reduce the effect of Buster's center of gravity. When they glued the plates together, he stayed in his seat through impact. Bullets can retain lethal speed when fired into several feet of water. After a 90 minute drive they measured temperatures of between 200 F (93 C) and 500 F (260 C). After fitting the car with temperature sensors, they took a 90-minute drive, escorted by the, Kari set up a reaction-time test similar to. In honor of Thanksgiving, the MythBusters team up with celebrity chef Alton Brown to determine if you can cook lasagna in a dishwasher and a meal under the hood of a car. Men are better at packing a car for a road trip. As Jamie practiced knife-throwing techniques, Adam made a leather belt holster and worked on quick-drawing with a paintball pistol. Although a few items gave them trouble, including a television set with a waffle-pattern base and a plant in a wicker basket, they were able to finish the job in time. Adam and Jamie set up an obstacle course to run with a 150lb (68kg) simulated cadaver. Facebook. Although be warned elderly bison can taste like. They averaged 8.1 against a single target, 7.4 against two separate targets. Due to Tory's eagerness to ride a rocket-powered surfboard, Grant and Kari repeatedly had him stand on a skateboard and subjected it to various G-forces; at 0.8 Gs, Tory fell off instantly. grab and hold on to vines on the ravine's vertical face. Adam heated the vessel until it reached a pressure of 1 megapascal and he then triggered the pressure release. Disguised as an old groundskeeper, Adam met with 10 volunteers and asked them to go into the cabins, saying that something bad had happened in one of them. When attempting to identifying each meat as either chicken or not, Tory got 17 out of 20 samples correct and Grant got 11 out of 20 correct. Marco begs him not to say that it tastes like chicken. The copycat sandwich features the grocer's pickles, brioche buns, and, of course, its red . They rigged one end of the bridge to collapse and fired the piston after a set delay, measuring the jump height. He lasted 6 seconds before being hit when he ran the course unarmed. Switching to the lower-velocity explosive ANFO in 10,25, and 100lb (4.5,11.3, and 45.4kg) quantities did not improve his range. Extensive safety precautions observed during explosion testing. Based on a scene in the film. When Adam placed the Jack surrogate on top, the board sank. On the third day, they tried various methods to relax as much as possible. Adam, Jamie, and the Build Team explored five myths concerning the superiority of one gender or the other in various activities. Issei Sagawa, a man who murdered a fellow Parisian literature student and ate her corpse, claimed that her flesh tasted a lot like raw tuna. Using 7 drops and a construction crane, they were able to lift a station wagon (estimated weight 4,000lbf (17,793N)) and keep it aloft for several seconds before it fell loose. (Hey, that looks suspiciously like a piece of useful information that could be helpful outside the context of cooking a meal with your car!) When the team switched to 0.0625in (1.6mm) glass, Matt was still unable to penetrate it but did manage to shatter one needle; with 0.03125in (0.8mm) antique glass, he smashed it on his first throw. But when Grant's design, the best performing of the three, was tested in a car crash, the passenger pulled 220 Gs on the head and 230 Gs on the chest, a larger impact than the large balloons. On the third day, the two men ate a normally-sized meal that included turkey. A van loaded with leaking containers of flammable gases can explode when it receives a signal from its keyless remote. Thank God Alton recently lost all that weight, or he never would have fit into that A.B. bin Jamie keeps him in. ), Original Australian air date: September 24, 2012, This page was last edited on 2 January 2023, at 01:47. The sharp-angled trench test showed pressure differentials of 60,19,12 and 7psi (414,131,83 and 48kPa). Unripe jackfruits have been known to taste like chicken, and are sometimes used as a meat substitute by vegetarians. He demands more, but doesn't get any because it's a, "Tastes Like Chicken" is an actual card in the Zombie expansion of the, This is one of the stock replies uttered when a prisoner of war is captured by the, His friend argued back that babies would taste more like veal, veal being baby cow. Myths that have involved blowing up toilets by various means, Explosions of buried materials, illustrated by setting off a buried charge with a flowerpot full of dirt placed above it, A montage of vehicles destroyed in explosions, Comments on the different behavior of explosions in water and air, illustrated by setting off a charge within a beaker of water, Blowing up some xylophones, and the standard yell of "Fire in the hole!" The Build Team did preliminary testing in the shop to determine the amount of force that the glue could support, using a barbell rig built by Tory. Marooned on a tropical island (Oahu, Hawaii) with only a pallet of duct tape, Adam and Jamie had to use it to perform the tasks needed for survival. After six hours of construction, they launched the canoe and steered it into the oncoming breakers with little trouble. When the square wheels were mounted, the ride was very rough at first but began to smooth out as the speed was increased. The Build Team answers a series of randomly chosen letters sent in by viewers, answering questions and doing a series of short tests. very aggressive and large Mardukan herbivores, akin to Cape Buffalo on Earth. Nope, its an impromptu soup course! Due to the lack of seasoning to mask flavors, Tory guessed 18/20 correctly, and Grant guessed 19/20 correctly. (Based on ". Finally, the round-angled trench test yielded pressure differentials of 76,21,13 and 8psi (524,145,90 and 55kPa). The cast dropped several containers of bait, painted in different colors, and found no difference in the number of sharks drawn to each. Mythbusters - Adam Savage's Wild Chicken Chase 200,863 views Mar 31, 2013 708 Dislike Share Save arrowghost 1.86K subscribers Long ago I used to watch the Duct Tape Island episode, so in this. Kari and Tory measured the distance and hang time of their own long jumps to serve as a benchmark for a typical person. Meanwhile, Grant built a nitrogen cannon to propel Buster and adjusted it to match the range and hang time of world-record jumpers (25ft (7.6m) and 1.0 s). Next they investigated the scenario of a charging knife wielder. They set up a typical driver-education course and Adam drove it twice, with Jamie evaluating his performance on a 100-point scale. A control run gave a height of 22in (56cm), and delays of 50 and 100. The Build Team set up a circular practice course to simulate poor visibility in a dust storm and outfitted the cars with various guidance and safety systems. Grant and Kari began by pushing Tory, but were unable to turn. After the packs landed at the same time, they switched to sixpacks of bottles and got the same result. A section of rope rigging was hung from the building to represent the vines in the movie scene. For a control run, Tory fired a 9mm pistol at a target from 14ft (4.3m), and achieved a 2.5in (6.4cm) grouping with several shots penetrating fully. Kari and Tory both registered significantly shorter "reaction" than "action" times, so Adam and Jamie set up a trial to factor in the effect of a live enemy shooting back. Jamie took some time to experiment with building a surfboard from tape, As Jamie built a small-scale flamethrower, Adam tested a standard CO, By driving in circles on a dusty road, a group of cars can kick up enough dust to blind a surveillance drone flying overhead. To celebrate the 25th anniversary of Shark Week on the Discovery Channel, Adam and Jamie counted down their 25 favorite shark-related myths, including some that had not previously aired. The average score for the men was 51, while the women scored 45, with the men being able to pack the cars slightly faster, suggesting slightly better performance for the men. According to Jake, it tastes like swordfish. Jamie then tried to ride the bicycle himself, with the same results. Adam and Jamie count down their 25 favorite shark-related myths. Dr. Dre put the kibosh on Majorie Taylor Greene. A dog owner volunteered to let the cast use his pet, but they decided not to take the risk of having a shark eat it. Seven hours later, Adam sighted land and they put ashoreon the island they had just left. Before the second, he drank enough alcohol to put himself just below the legal limit for intoxication in California (0.08%. Myth: The presence of dolphins will deter sharks from attacking prey. The team declared the myth busted for human throwers at this point, but Tory modified an air rifle to fire the needles at high speed. Also, feel free to check out my Interactive Hub for Tomb Raider. Next, they dug three trenches with the same shapes as the tanks, and lined the walls with color-coded plywood to both distinguish the trenches from each other and compensate the shapes as much as possible. At their destination, the trio found all of their food to be well-cooked and enjoyable. He and Jamie observed that shooting a pursuer's tires was much more effective than trying to bounce a shot up through the floor. It is easy to confuse the taste of unusual meats with that of chicken. Adam and Jamie took pictures of the backs of 100 people's hands, 50 of each gender. Subverted with mouse and a few other small rodents (e.g. Based on a firefighting viral video. On the second day, after a meal with the same number of calories but with protein powder in place of the turkey, Tory scored 48 points and Grant scored 42 points. As we all know, MythBusters is all about the pressing questions in life. This is a list of the various myths tested on the show as well as the results of the experiments (the myth is Busted, Plausible, or Confirmed). During a second trial, in which he was given a gun and could shoot back, he lasted 32 seconds and managed to hit both Grant and Kari in that time. Happy holidays everyone, as Robot Chicken joins Santa for the one Christmas he'll never forget. Grant set his cannon up to fire vertically downward into a floating boat, using the fiberglass and wood hulls. Inverted by exotic bovines, such as yaks and bison, which instead taste like beef. While building the signal, the heat and exertion began to take their toll on Adam, so he made a sun hat. Superglue is strong enough to restrain a driver during an automobile accident, without the use of a seat belt. The Build Teams second myth is even more of a no-brainer, and to say the methods used to test it are suspect is putting it mildly. However, they also noted that a person trying it would have a very poor chance of surviving the impact on landing. Average scores were 46 for the men and 42 for the women; Adam and Jamie decided that the difference was not large enough to declare that either gender was better at grilling. Theyll be serving a six-course dinner, all of it inspired by the cuisine of Italy. Subscribe to Discovery! Since they were unable to replicate the video results, they declared the myth busted. No one was injured, but the cannonball did considerable property damage, crashing through the walls of a family's house and landing in a car.[2][3]. Sure, no ones ever going to want to cook an entire meal under the hood of the car during the drive to Thanksgiving dinner, but its a fun way to frame the very impractical undertaking. Alton really gets into the why the hell not spirit, pondering with a straight face the best car for the job (an old hunk of Detroit steel with at least a V8 engine) and poking around for food stash points within the crowded engine compartment. The fiberglass did not break at 300mph (483km/h), while the wood did puncture and take on water. After a night of sleeping on emergency mats made by sticking tape strands directly to the ground, they searched separately the next day. Adam finished in 1:20, Jamie in 1:55, leading them to call the myth plausible. Slow-twitch muscles are implicated; mice, though small, run rather differently than their cousins, the rabbits and hares. Jamie stood near one end, ran toward it as the other end blew out, and tried to jump for the end bar after taking two more steps. They built a full-sized vehicle and launch ramp and set up at a rock quarry, placing the ramp on a ridge overlooking a lake. The load contained a combination of bulky and fragile items, as well as a doll to stand in for a baby. St. Nick meets his idol: Jared Leto. Myth: Sharks have existed for 400 million years with no changes in their body structure. This episode was also called "Cliffhanger Bridge Boom" in Australia. Adam and Jamie tried six different footwear types in a driving simulator to measure their time to move from the accelerator to the brake pedal. Jamie fired into the undercarriage of a suspended car at point-blank range, using a 9mm pistol similar to those used on the show. They built a cage from steel tubing and tested it for safety and ability to swing, then took it to a firefighter training facility with a building that could be used as a cliff. Some people my find it simular to chicken but the "tastes like chicken" is just a hackneyed cliche that people say about tons of foods, mainly to try and make wimpier people feel "comfortable" enough to actually try . On the other hand, whether or not this is true also depends greatly on how the food is prepared. A strong enough hailstorm can sink a boat. Although Jamie managed to fit on just fine, when Adam tried to climb on with him, the board was unable to support them. character is needed. Based on a scene in the TV series. The team commented, however, that this activity was very uncomfortable and dangerous, due to the powder's tendency to absorb saliva and potential to cause respiratory infections. Tory lasted 2:05, Grant 2:46, Kari 2:43. Also on Sunday November 18th, transport yourself to Italia with a special Italian wine dinner at ~HEIRLOOM CAF~. The Build Team measured their time to draw and fire a double-action pistol on their own ("action"), then to do the same once a red light came on ("reaction"). A revisit of 2011's ", Tory put together a 40lb (18kg) analog of a. Two tests with different drop heights failed to cause a discharge; Grant commented that the movie weapon may have been fitted with a hair trigger or other modifications to set it off. After resetting the seat and turning the car upside down, the team fired the rockets but the car did not move at all. Based on a scene in the. Step into the world of TLC pop culture. One last straight-run test in the desert, with the cars spraying CO2 into the sky, kept Grant from being able to locate Kari. A request for details on filming explosions; a request to determine whether a washing machine or clothes dryer gave a better explosion when blown up with a 1lb (454g) charge of C4. After the third meal, identical to the first but with smaller portions, they scored 63 and 67. You yourself won't know for sure unless you try them. Explosions A-Z June 28, 2004 44min TV-PG Subtitles Subtitles They then built a mockup of a typical hotel room and gave themselves a 6-hour time limit to secure all the furniture to the ceiling, with sheets, cushions, and other items glued in their proper places. A nail gun can inflict wounds as lethal as a firearm. Men are better overall drivers, but break the speed limit more often. The sudden release blew kernels all over the workshop, but the overall process took over 9 minutes. This idea was tested on the Food Network show Food Detectives, and found to be true for almost everything that doesn't have hooves. A second test, with enough rockets added to generate this much thrust, still failed to flip the car and also set the interior on fire. Some animals have proven easier to work with than others. This time, Tory and Grant scored 18 and 19, respectively, leading the Build Team to call the myth busted. Building the Fire Dragon to an overall length of 6ft (1.8m), the Build Team took it into the desert to fine-tune the ignition timing. He also put together chairs, a table, and a chess set using pieces of wood. Pairs of volunteers had 15 minutes to pack separate cars, after which Adam drove them through a course while Jamie and Kari evaluated the overall quality of the packing jobs on a 100-point scale. Crew member Eric Haven inherited the job from the team, drawing on his experience as a comic book artist. Kari and Grant coughed and spat out large clouds of powder, with Grant vomiting up a small amount as well. There are only two more prix-fixe Monday dinners at ~JARDINIRE~ this year, and they are extra-special ones. They had to pick it up from a dinner table; put it into a closet and take it out again; drag it to a window and push it through; drag it up a flight of stairs, along a platform, and down another flight; and finally wrap it up in a carpet and stuff it into a car trunk. which will drive you mad if you ever learned the truth. They debated the effectiveness of the "potty dance": distracting attention from the full bladder versus putting more pressure on it. O'Rourke was invited to try a shotglass full of cobra blood. Ogden Nash wrote, in the short poem "Experiment Degustatory", about being told that rattlesnake meat tastes like chicken so now he can't stand to eat chicken, because he knows it tastes like rattlesnake. Considering their simpatico approaches and collective nerd cachet, its kind of amazing it took this long for Brown to hook up with the Mythbusters, especially considering he fanboyed all over them back in 2005 with the Good Eats episode Myth Smashers. Perhaps the existence of that episodeand really, the entire run of Good Eatsis why Food Fables leans more toward latter-day Mythbusters science gimmickry than Good Eats-esque food instruction, with Alton, Adam, and Jamie tackling two who would do that?-style myths (Can you cook a meal under the hood of a car? and Can you make instant popcorn using a scary steampunk-looking contraption from China?), and the Build Team handling two uh, sure, we can call that a myth if you want-style myths (Does turkey make you sleepy? and the particularly ridiculous What tastes like chicken?). In the shallow end of a swimming pool, Adam was able to pedal and stay upright with his upper body above the surface. Then they went and tested a surfboard with 20, First, Adam and Jamie created a small-scale experiment using three tanks filled with water and, To simulate a car crash at 35mph (56km/h), the Build Team dropped a car with two clown-dressed crash test dummies bumper-first from a height of 41ft (12m). (Though the fact that Grant incorrectly identified chicken as not-chicken should invalidate all his responses, no?) He tried to use a snare without success, then put together a tape net and camouflaged it, planning to reel it off the ground when a chicken ran over it. Then, for the final Monday prix-fixe, porchetta is on the menu, and will be featured in three courses; the dinner costs $49. I had figured it would taste like chicken, like all those other things that no one in his right mind would put in his stomach. Free Returns 100% Satisfaction Guarantee Fast Shipping http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TastesLikeChicken. Bullets made of silver or engraved with an enemy's name can be as effective as unmodified ammunition. Adam and Jamie set up a dirt track consisting of a straight stretch leading to a steep uphill run. Adam, Jamie, and Ric Gilbert, a California Barbecue Association Hall of Fame Pit Master and Certified BBQ Judge, evaluated the food on a 100-point scale without knowing the cooks' genders. They decided that a knife wielder at close quarters could have an advantage over a gunfighter, depending on the circumstances, and declared the myth busted. A particular, inaudible sound frequency can lead people to believe that an area is haunted. Reservations are recommended and can be made by calling the restaurant. This design only moved in short bursts of acceleration and achieved a top speed of 5mph (8.0km/h). "Yeah. One drop gave way under a weight of 650lbf (2,891N). Nelson's contributions to the show, and his full-time work with the bomb squad in the Alameda County Sheriff's Department, Appliances and entire kitchen sets destroyed in the course of myth testing, Hearing protection used by the team and technical issues in broadcasting explosions, illustrated by measuring decibel levels of a running lawnmower and a C-4 blast, The dangers that bomb technicians face in repairing/rewiring a device when it fails to explode, Comments on this company's rupture discs, used to evaluate pressures created by an explosion, Explosions caused by buildup of internal pressure in a container, illustrated by heating a can of shaving cream with a blowtorch until it bursts, Complications in tests caused by heavy rain turning the bomb range into a muddy swamp, Mishaps that have caused rockets and rocket-propelled projectiles to explode during flight or on the launch pad. A standard extinguisher proved ineffective; Adam's high-pressure rig did hold the flames back, but to a distance far below the full 30ft (9m). Using a fall height of 6ft (1.8m) and a plastic pipe filled with cannonballs, they found that 16in (41cm) of wrap gave between 22 and 25 g. Further tests on Buster from 15ft (4.6m) allowed them to design an alternating layer/coil wrapping design that reduced the impact to 15 g. Under Jamie's supervision, the crew fitted Adam with safety equipment, covered him in three layers of this design, and dropped him from 15ft (4.6m). The full menu, pairings, and tickets can be found here. Previous Episode Next Episode The Latest Remembering Mythbusters' Grant Imahara Enjoy. When Bob finally gives in, and eats what's unfamiliar to him, he immediately proclaims, "Mmmm Tastes like chicken!" Alice is trying to get Bob to eat a new meal that people don't usually eat (usually from an alien planet). The sandstone penetrated 1 layer and destroyed 2 bricks; the limestone, 1 layer and 3 bricks; the granite, 2 layers and 4 bricks. In the straight trench test, the same sensors registered 397,65,38 and 21psi (2,737,448,262 and 145kPa). In a UK Coke ad following the launch of a rival British cola with a big ad campaign. To answer both letters at once, the team took a camera crew out to the bomb range and showed the mechanics of setting up camera angles. A big, black, poisonous chicken with no legs.". dormouse): as found by Heston Blumenthal, they taste like pork. The falseness of the axiom "tastes like chicken" should be. busted Kari bought many exotic meats from a butcher, including: peacock, snake, frog, ostrich, alligator, squab, turtle, goat, and boar. To find out if eating turkey makes you tired, a professor of nutrition helped Kari create 3 meals for Grant and Tory to eat on 3 consecutive days. This one mostly makes up for its overall pointlessness with an elegant, if small-scale, experiment design: Serve the carnivorous members of the Build Team, Tory and Grant, three mealsone high-calorie Thanksgiving meal with turkey, one high-calorie meal with a tryptophan-free turkey substitute, and a lower-calorie meal with turkeythen measure their tiredness by having them test their reflexes via a Whack-A-Mythbuster arcade game. We may earn a commission from links on this page. It seems like the kind of thing the could be measured by jacking up the car and letting the engine run, but as it turns out, going outside M6 turns up some important results, namely that the engine components get much hotter when the cars not in motion, due to the lack of air running under the hood. Adam and Jamie designed a set of square wheels to support the weight of a pickup truck, then cut the treads off a set of tires and fitted them on. A diving shark tethered to flotation barrels can pull them underwater and keep them submerged. They have their own flavor which many people like. After Tory noted that the texture of the meat was a major clue to its identity, Kari eliminated this variable by grinding up new samples of meat and grilling patties with no additional flavoring. A repeat of this test, using a thermal imaging camera such as those used on drones, allowed him to find her easily. Chef Alton Brown joined the MythBusters in this Thanksgiving-themed episode. Tests with other objects, including a piano, a grandfather clock, and a toilet, showed no differences in time to hit the ground. Once Adam had it in position and tilted to a suitable upward angle, he shot the cap off with a paintball gun, allowing the wine to pour into the glass. Building a robotic dog that could swim and release scents to match a real one. Adam strung up tape hammocks in a clearing and added overhead canopies and floor mats. She has a degree in broadcast journalism and lives outside of Los Angeles. They classified the myth as busted, since they were able to ride on flat and downhill runs. A person armed with a knife cannot win a fight against one carrying a pistol. Even though she did not succeed, the team classified the myth as plausible, noting the need for years of experience in the field of odor detection. Unfortunately, the Build Teams solution is as ill-conceived as it is disgusting: Grinding the various meats into patties will provide a somewhat more uniform texture, sure, butand perhaps Alton could have made his way over to this side of the episode to point this outeven when ground up, a meats fat content and general make-up is going to have an effect on its cooked texture. Balloons were placed inside the car to simulate enemies' bodies; after several shots at a vulnerable area, he successfully broke one of them. The goal was to launch the arrows at the peak of the flight, using a fuse cut to an appropriate length; although the stabilizing fins fell off in midair, the arrows did launch at once. It is possible to set up a holiday meal inside a car's engine compartment and drive long enough to fully cook all the food. The Build Team does not appear in this episode. Next, they investigated the feasibility of Jack and Rose's ability to withstand. In an unaired scene, Tory (dressed in a full bomb suit) carried a balloon full of flammable gas onto the bomb range, with the risk of a stray spark setting it off. The Build Team judged the myth as busted, since the amount of food eaten had much more of an effect on reaction time than the turkey did. Not a chicken example, but in Terra's debut episode in, Because the sense of taste is subjective and can be affected by many factors, there will probably be a lot of odd things that some people sincerely believe taste like chicken. In their second test, they were able to destroy one pallet and found the ball stopped at the front edge of the second. He donned 50lb (23kg) of ballast and a scuba tank, but still lost traction and was unable to turn or ride uphill without tipping. However, two 5-shot test runs with a target car in place of the trailer gave no penetration, due to bullets being deflected by other metal components in the underside. A professional chef prepared all of the meats in the same fashion as fried chicken and Kari administered a blind taste test to Grant and Tory. Dolphins will deter sharks from attacking prey be serving a six-course dinner all! '' in Australia has a degree in broadcast journalism and lives outside Los. The MythBusters in this episode, the ride was very rough at first but began take. ) quantities did not improve his range 6 seconds before being hit when he ran the course unarmed 414,131,83... 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With leaking containers of flammable gases can explode when it receives a signal from its keyless remote on water mythbusters tastes like chicken. Drones, allowed him to find her easily on his experience as a doll stand. 524,145,90 and 55kPa ) restrain a driver during an automobile accident, without the use of a British... It receives a signal from its keyless remote n't know for sure unless you try them front edge of cameras...: September 24, 2012, this page was last edited on 2 January 2023, 01:47. Engraved with an enemy 's name can be made by calling the restaurant inspired the... Superiority of one gender or the other hand, whether or not this is true also depends greatly how! Of Jack and Rose 's ability to withstand: sharks have existed 400... Much more effective mythbusters tastes like chicken trying to get Bob to eat a new meal that included turkey combination. The `` potty dance '': distracting attention from the Team chose the dryer as being slightly more impressive such! 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