I rebuke and discipline all those whom I love. Philadelphia had a great characteristic which has left its mark upon this letter. Remember what Solomon says, "The conies are a feeble folk," but he puts them down as wise people, for they have their habitation in the rocks. In the New Testament men used the idea of the Coming of Christ as a warning to the heedless and as a comfort to the oppressed. "But to you I say, the rest (or remnant) in Thyatira." Within the home, within the circle in which we move, within the parish in which we reside, there are those to be won for Christ. Even that which connects Him with the Christian, as the One that intercedes for him in the presence of God, is here left out, though I doubt not we may see Him as the angel high priest for others in Revelation 8:1-13. The statement does not refer directly to the rapture. By keeping the gospel they are prepared for the trial; and the same divine grace that has made them fruitful in times of peace will make them faithful in times of persecution. But he that keeps God's word, we may be sure, is deeply in love with it. If there were some far-spreading calamity in the country where they resided, it would probably be all that would be fairly embraced in the meaning of the word. "I know thy works: behold I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it: for thou hast a little strength, and hast kept my word, and hast not denied my name. We will enter into the third section, the things which will be after these things of the church. Welcome to Daily Bible Reading, where we are chronologically reading through the Word of God on a daily basis. The history of Sardis had its vivid examples of what happens to the garrison whose watch is slack. Examine the use of woman symbolically, and you will find, I believe, that this is true. Sardis, Watch! He did originally, as for instance in the ten words, though afterwards in this very particular intervention came in. That does not matter; but it does matter that you be faithful to your Lord. At that time Sardis was a city of the east and was hostile to the Greek world, Aeschylus wrote of it: "They that dwelt by Tmolous pledged themselves to cast the yoke on Hellas.". The Lord here contemplates these evil workers (which is what the criers of works come to) forming a distinct party. "In him," says Paul, "all things were created" ( Colossians 1:15; Colossians 1:18). When Abraham is pleading with God for Sodom, he appeals to God: "To slay the righteous with the wicked, far be that from thee" ( Genesis 18:25). We may safely strike out the word "and," if we respect the best authorities. "[51] From Matthew 24, etc., all should be familiar with this quality in prophecies regarding such events. The prayers of the saints will be answered (6:9-11; Matt. Is this wise? There was faithfulness, and this very particularly in dealing with the wickedness which Satan sought to bring in at that time. Sardis was still a wealthy city. "This is the judge that ends the strife, When wit and reason fail. The Risen Christ urges it to buy white raiment from him. Now I ask any fair mind, whose style does this identification of nature suit but the writer that we are now reading? It is expressly so taught in John's own gospel. Another thing is observable, when one looks into what is said here. We know how many scholars have dared to insult the book in their folly, as I think we may say, with the justest rebuke of their offensive language. The emphasis of his pulpit ministry is the careful study and verse-by-verse exposition of the Bible, with special attention devoted to the historical and grammatical background behind each passage. There are opportunities before you now which were not there before: these are placed before you especially because you have been tried, and have been proved faithful. They are neutral in principle and practice, being half-hearted about Christ. But more than this, it is Christ seen according to the largeness of His glory. The council in Jerusalem expressly exempted the Gentiles from being put under the yoke of law. How can this be secured but by removing them out of the scene before the time arrives? The word of my patience The doctrine which has exposed you to so much trouble and persecution, and required so much patience and magnanimity to bear up under its attendant trials. Here the Lord seems to me to notice its working at the same time that God was in a measure using for good those that were faithful in the heathen persecutions. It was founded with the deliberate intention that it might be a missionary of Greek culture and language to Lydia and Phrygia; and so well did it do its work that by A.D. 19 the Lydians had forgotten their own language and were all but Greeks. Some think it a great thing to be members of a popular sect, but when the great curtain rolls up, and all things are seen as they are, and not as they seem, do you not think that that church will be most commended which was truest to the teaching of the Holy Spirit in everything? Until less than a hundred years ago great markets were regularly held on its site. And though Catholics are miserably deluded, Protestants do not understand justification to this day. Sardis, A Lifeless Church ( Revelation 3:1-6 Continued). Does it not trouble you?" It is His position both ministerial and ecclesiastical His relationship to the angels, or those that morally represented the assemblies to His eye, as well as to the churches themselves. Elegchos ( G1650) is the corresponding noun, and Aristotle defines it: "Elegchos ( G1650) is the proof that a thing cannot be otherwise than we say." If you will now begin to talk to others about that which you love so well, you will be astonished to find how gladly they will receive it from you. In short, as the book itself afterwards shows that the church will be on high outside the scene of its varied troubles and inflicted judgments, so the motive assigned in the preface is of a strikingly holy nature, adapted to those who walk by faith, not by sight, and free from all selfish considerations "for the time is at hand." 1. Through much tribulation we must enter the kingdom. "These things saith he that is holy, he that is true." But what He is in heaven is exactly what is not given here. It was on the edge of a great plain called the Katakekaumene ( G2618) , which means the Burned Land. If this is the meaning, this phrase describes the life of untroubled goodness which is lived when, after the battles of earth, we reach the presence of God. "Thou holdest fast my name, and hast not denied my faith." (a) There is a door of missionary opportunity before every man and he need not go overseas to find it. The reference of the voice behind is exclusively to the seven churches. I might have seen the Alexandrian library burned without losing a night's rest, for the mass of its contents must have been mere rubbish; but were there one single verse of the New Testament which it were possible to blot out from human memory and record, one might be willing to lay down his life to save the glorious sentence. Thus have I explained what the Philadelphians did. We so often regard him as the one to whom we look for things; for his strength, his help, his support, his comfort. The royal apparel is for the man whom the king honours ( Esther 6:6-11). Above all, if we have but little strength of any kind, let us keep God's word. "In principle, the same promise would fit the judgment as the great trial for the whole human race. It was thus that Hanum treated the servants of David ( 2 Samuel 10:4). In the ancient world there were at least six cities called Laodicea and this one was called Laodicea on the Lycus to distinguish it from the others. (John 5:1-47) And now that grace and truth were about to be utterly set at naught, as He Himself had been before by that which bore His name on the earth, John was more than any other suited to let us see the solemn visions of God avenging the slighted rights of His own Son; and this, first, by providential judgments; lastly, by Christ Himself coming in the personal execution of judgment. He believed the Lord will come for His saints, meet them in the air, and descend with them to the earth immediately. But the people of Philadelphia well knew what it was to receive "a new name.". Some taught the gospel very quietly in their own family circle, and so kept it. What is still more in John the significant point, they lost all the truth of a real life given to us in Christ. ( Luke 6:26). First, their Jewish antagonists would eventually have to acknowledge that the Christians were the true followers of God (cf. James spoke with respect and admiration of the man who kept himself "unstained from the world" ( James 1:27). Solon, the wisest of the Greeks, came on a visit and was shown the magnificence and the luxury. 6:10). It was precisely because the church was faithful in time of trial that Christ in turn will be faithful to them. 3:1-6 And to the angel of the Church in Sardis, write: These things says he who has the seven Spirits of God and the seven stars. Oh that my words might call out some faithful ones in these evil days. "I John, your brother, and companion in the tribulation and kingdom and patience in Christ Jesus, was in the isle which is called Patmos, for the word of God, and for the testimony of Jesus." The fire must be kept burning. True grace, though weak, has the divine approbation; but, though Christ accepts a little strength, yet believers should not rest satisfied in a little, but should strive to grow in grace, to be strong in faith, giving glory to God. "So then because thou art neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth. It is a setting aside of man altogether; and the reason is that Laodicea is the glorification of man and of man's resources in the church. How is it that we here miss that character of direct dealing with us that immediateness of address which is found elsewhere? God was breaking down some of these barriers. "I am the door," said Jesus ( John 10:7; John 10:9). For it is somewhat novel, especially in the New Testament. We can't really sit back and say, "Look, how many we have got coming here." Thirteen miles to the west, between Laodicea and the Gate of Phrygia, stood the temple of the Carian god Men. Now one part of the city was in ruins, now another. The heavenly hope of being with Christ is promised as well as part in the kingdom. 290. This is the reason why they were golden. By whom this letter was signed; even by the same Jesus who is alone the universal head of all the churches; and here observe by what title he chooses to represent himself to this church: He that is holy, he that is true, he that hath the key of David, c. You have his personal character: He that is holy and he that is true, holy in his nature, and therefore he cannot but be true to his word, for he hath spoken in his holiness and you have also his political character: He hath the key of David, he openeth, and no man shutteth; he hath the key of the house of David, the key of government and authority in and over the church. But he who is faithful will in the end come to a time when he is like a pillar fixed in the Temple of God and goodness has become the constant atmosphere of his life. But why should you not receive it? Your book matters, let's make it your way! The truth is too great for us ever to absorb it all, but daily and hourly we live upon it. Also, both churches received their opposition from the Jews.He who carries the key of David has the authority to allow people into or shut them out from the city of David, which here is symbolic of the new Jerusalem, the kingdom of Jesus Christ (7; cf. Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out: and I will write upon him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, which is the new Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from my God: and I will write upon him my new name ( Revelation 3:11-12 ). Here we have to remark that Christ is seen in a judicial point of view. It is only by the grace of God that we can escape the death of sin. Clearly such a position made it almost impregnable. Sin, as Burns had it, "petrifies the feeling.". We must leave out "and unto." The rock on which Sardis was built was friable, more like close packed dried mud than rock. "Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee, because thou sufferest that woman (perhaps 'thy wife') Jezebel." It is all a mistake, therefore, to suppose that this is a singular distinction, It amounts to this that the Lord will hold, after all, to His own truth, spite of unfaithfulness. Besides, God's word is a supporting thing, and he who quits it leaves his chief helper. The Lord thenceforth puts the promise first, and this apparently because there is no use longer to expect the church as a whole to receive it. THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE TRIBULATION THE CHURCH WILL EXPERIENCE, AND THE GREAT TRIBULATION. It has been said that in the New Testament the Coming of Christ is continually used for two purposes. [Note: See Charles C. Ryrie, Basic Theology, pp. The Risen Christ tells them that he is coming quickly. Precious souls are there, and our happy service is to help these then, if we can, to a better knowledge of His grace, not, of course, to make light of their being where they are, or of their doing what they do, yet in the fullest love to feel about them as the Lord does. The conclusion of this epistle, Revelation 3:12; Revelation 3:13. You go into a post-Christian era when you get to Europe. The word for salve is kollourion ( G2854) which literally means a little roll of bread. What Christ promised is safety through trials, not exemption from trials. I know your works. In short, "the hour of temptation" is, I conceive, a larger term altogether than the "great tribulation" ofRevelation 7:1-17; Revelation 7:1-17, and still more than the unparalleled tribulation which is to befall the land of Israel. In Revelation 3:3 we have a series of imperatives. We have seen how it was a border town, standing where the boundaries of Lydia, Mysia and Phrygia met, and founded to be a missionary of Greek language and culture to the barbarous peoples beyond. Buy. 3:10 + is correct [that the church will be guarded and preserved during God's testing of earth-dwellers during the Tribulation], then one is left with the colossal problem of reconciling the fact that multitudes of believers will die under the fierce persecution of Antichrist during the Tribulation and yet God supposedly will preserve His people physically through the Tribulation."Keith H. Essex, "The Rapture and the Book of Revelation," in . Smyrna and Philadelphia are the only churches that receive no blame from the Lord, but only praise and encouragement. Rush to the front. What a full exemption! A return to earth could not be characterized as soon by any stretch of the imagination. I say not this of you all, but only of confirmed and faithful ones. Nothing can more demonstrate. We have already come upon this strange phrase in Revelation 1:4. 290. To try them that dwell upon the earth - To test their character. God is testing you as sons; for what son is there whom his father does not discipline? The allusion is clear to Isaiah 11:1-16, where the seven-fold power of the Holy Ghost in government is described as connected with the person and for the kingdom of the Messiah. In the old story of the kings, Abijah alone of all the sons of Jeroboam was spared because in him was found some good thing toward the Lord God of Israel ( 1 Kings 14:13). The hour of temptation A time of sore and peculiar trial which might have proved too much for their strength. ", F. The letter to the church in Philadelphia 3:7-13. In the time of Vespasian Philadelphia was in gratitude to change its name again to Flavia, for Flavius was the Emperor's family name. "And he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John.". Verse 2: And he had in his hand a little book open: and he set his right foot upon the sea, and hisleft footon the earth, Paul says that his converts in their pre-Christian days were dead through trespasses and sins ( Ephesians 2:1; Ephesians 2:5). He opens. Remember therefore how thou hast received and heard, hold fast, repent. In all probability they were, like most of the churches of that day, possessed of very little pecuniary strength. Revelation 3 KJV. That peace came with the dominion of Rome. B. John is commissioned to preach. 98. Peter warns his people that they will give account for their deeds to him who comes to judge the living and the dead ( 1 Peter 4:5). This term refers to earth-dwellers as contrasted with heaven-dwellers, the unsaved as contrasted with Christians. "Kings shall be your foster fathers, and their queens your nursing mothers; with their faces to the ground they shall bow down to you, and lick the dust of your feet" ( Isaiah 49:23). It was so before when He was here below in grace, and now He must resume its power and glory and judgment, than which one can hardly conceive a greater and more solemn rebuke on the condition of those who ought to have been His witnesses. [Note: Beasley-Murray, p. He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith to the churches. Since John wrote both of the passages under consideration, and both are quotes from Jesus Himself, it makes sense to interpret them similarly, enforcing the idea that Revelation 3:10 means to literally "keep from" rather than to preserve through. We eat our way into the word of God, we live upon what we learn, tunnelling through the truth with receptive minds. It was all over with them, unless they judged themselves, and in the power of the Holy Ghost Christ regained His place. This Means You ( Revelation 3:14-22 Continued). (ii) He is he who is true. This promise recurs again and again in Isaiah. '"[47] This view of the passage harmonizes with the great high-priestly prayer of Jesus who did not pray that the Father would take his disciples "out of the world" (John 17:15), but that they would be faithful in the world. He will be as much marked by power in the day of glory, as by contented weakness in the present scene of grace. They had also little strength in the direction of talent. Cold is psuchros ( G5593) ; and it can mean cold to the point of freezing. They had abated in their first love. "The revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to show unto his servants." If they are what they should be, they will not think so much of our little praises as to be unduly exalted thereby; but they will be sometimes so encouraged as to be nerved to higher and nobler things. Matthew 24:29-30), and because the generation to whom John wrote these words has long since passed away, Philadelphias representation of not just the other six churches of Asia but also of the church universal throughout the present age is evident . It means: "Never stop keeping the commands of the gospel." It is not now to bring them whether or not servants out of that position or even worse, and entitling them to take the place of children of God. It need not be supposed that the whole world literally was included in it, or even all the Roman empire, but what was the world to them - the region which they would embrace in that term. Behold, I will make of them the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee ( Revelation 3:9 ). "Mission for God exists because worship of God doesn't." -John Piper, Let the Nations Be Glad Introduction: One cannot make good sense out of Revelation 3:10 otherwise. The man who is faithful to his pledge will, beyond a doubt, some day hear God say: "Well done!". Such is the strength of the promise and the blessedness of it, that the Lord promises His own to be kept from the time. The people of Philadelphia knew all about taking a new name. They had little talent, but they kept God's word. Here we are evidently on broad ground. The Apocalypse looks on things after the Holy Ghost had taken His place in the Christian and in the church on earth above all, after the Son had appeared, manifested God the Father, and accomplished redemption here below. "Woe to you," said Jesus, "when all men speak well of you!" Like all the letters it begins with a series of great titles of Jesus Christ. Sir W. M. Ramsay said of Sardis that nowhere was there a greater example of the melancholy contrast between past splendour and present decay. (iv) We add a final fact about Laodicea. Getting back to who it is promised to be kept from the Great Tribulation, let us now look at the context and audience of Revelation 3:10. Christ is to be acknowledged as the author of all the liberty and opportunity his churches enjoy. Churches with few men of learning or eloquence in them may yet be greatly approved of the Lord, who cares more for grace than learning, more for faith than talent. And this is seen to be the occasion of the letter to the angel of the church in Smyrna. ], "In light of the concept of the imminent coming of Christ and the fact that the New Testament does teach His imminent coming, we can conclude that the Pretribulation Rapture view is the only view of the Rapture of the church that comfortably fits the New Testament teaching of the imminent coming of Christ. tachy, soon; cf. and the seven stars; I know thy works, that you have a name that you are alive, but really you are dead ( Revelation 3:1 ). "Let your garments be always white," said the preacher, "and let not oil be lacking on your head" ( Ecclesiastes 9:8). If you have kept God's word you may be wielding an influence far beyond what you imagine. Furthermore, the promise of Luke 21:17 is explanatory of what is meant here. When thus tried, they tried and found wanting those who set up to be apostles. At the same time it is manifestly He who is God and Father instructing, comforting, and admonishing His own. At first all addressed the people in His name. recurring minor shocks drive them to sheer panic. The Christian must live well and live in love because the judge is standing at the doors ( James 5:9). 5:2 + ). Saul lost his place to David ( 1 Samuel 16:1, 1 Samuel 16:13). God's word was there to deal with human conscience. If that light was ineffectual, if there was evil mixed with it, the state of the assembly would partake of it. Even when time comes to an end, and the world as we know it ceases to exist, he who is faithful to Christ will still be said in his keeping. At one time that temple was the social, administrative and commercial centre of the whole area. That is a work that God is going to do in bringing the knowledge to these people. And are you not to walk as He? 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