9 Taken literally, of course, the biblical prophecies of Christ's return do not fit Baha'u'llah. But I have since come to believe that Man created God in his own image. Are Baha'is Social Activists? Instead of focusing on the only true message, we like to branching them so we could have others become a member of our view. and in fact, we were encouraged to donate to the building of the Bahai World Center buildings in Haifa, Israel, because the buildings would be needed to handle the entry by troops that was about to happen. Although the prophet and founder of the Faith, Christ was the Prophet of the Christians, Moses of the Jewswhy should not the followers of each prophet recognize and honor the other prophets also? Thereafter he wrote the book Kashful Heel to reveal the true face and hypocrisy of the Bahais. None of these contain a shred of truthin fact, theyre completely false. The underlying foundation of the religions is one; there is no intrinsic difference between them. It was only founded a 1844. If that is true, then you can take my site BahaiAwareness.com as an interpretation of Bahai books and accept it for what it is. The last claim is partially rooted in the presence of the Bah World Centre in northern Israel. Abdul Husain Aayati was born in 8th Zilhaj 1287 AH in Taft. Baha'is see Islam as the parent religion of their Faith, in the same way Judaism gave birth to Christianity. Religion must be the Source of Unity 5. Thats why we simply look at your faith, kindly reject it and dont even bother mentioning it to anyone we know because there is nothing notable to report. He remained there until his passing in 1892. It Comes Down to Five Questions Avrel Seale | Jun 25, 2013 A little more than 10 years ago, I decided to become a Baha'i. h. Prayerbooks interfere with directly talking to God (ie: prayer) She said that women were not allowed to be members of the Universal House of Justice because of their monthly periods where they might be too emotional to made good decisions. Today, Baha'u'llahs shrine, now in Israel, is an important pilgrimage site. But such Assemblies are counted in the impressive statistics given to the public. Theres no reason to become a Bahai. In the traditions of almost every people there is a promise of a future when peace and harmony will be established on earth and humankind will . Thats it for now, from my point of view. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. [15], Islamic theology regards Muhammad as the Khatam an-Nabiyyin, the last prophet whom God has sent and Islam as the final religion for all humankind. Quite controversially, the Bab claimed that his teachings were a revelation from God and predicted that a new prophetic figure, or manifestation of God, would soon appear. why baha'i faith is wrong. Although Christianity incorporates the same truths as the Jewish faith, they are two separate religions. The views expressed in our content reflect individual perspectives and do not represent the official views of the Baha'i Faith. For many, the Baha'i faith is one of the most universal religions. 2 Comments. In our World of Worship series, we're exploring different ways people practice faith and religion around the globe. Baha'u'llah encouraged Baha'is to cooperate with their governments and engage with the followers of all religions in a spirit of fellowship. [27] Soon after his resignation, Cole created an email list and website called H-Bahai, which became a repository of both primary source material and critical analysis on the religion. People are not stupid. Dogmatic imitations of ancestral beliefs are passing. He was the Imam (leader) of two masjids (mosques) and used to handle the affair of the people. Often guys show interest to know more about my religion or veganism only because they want to be with me, and I always refer them to a website. Since i married in 1971 I've always cultivated a beard. , This is the cycle of maturity and reformation in religion as well. People who leave the religion, transgress community standards, or attack it externally are not considered Covenant-breakers. Mohamed was a final prophet for humanity The community near me had some wonderful gatherings, and I met a variety of interesting, intelligent people from various countries. g. Spy tactics Abdul Husain Aayati lived amongst the Bahais for 20 years and served them through these years. Universal Peace 8. Horrifying to see at this date and age.They really think by stealing others ideals and slogans they could create some utopia. claimed the lives of thousands of his followers. 1( jesus is god, son of god, prophet, teacher. The Bah' Faith is a new religion God has sent to unify all nations and peoples of the world and to establish a global civilization based on justice, peace and harmony. You describe God as a selfish dictator that is all about it, not us. Your email address will not be published. Baha'i Principles 1. "[13], William McElwee Miller (18921993) was a Presbyterian missionary in Iran who published a polemic titled The Baha'i Faith (1974), in which he attacked the religion by promoting the views of individuals opposing Bah leadership. [24] The religion has seen a few attempts at splintering, but they have remained extremely small and declined over time. A quick peek at a bestselling book on spirituality will offer more relatable material. Please see my articles on http://www.bahaiawareness.com. Baha'is have also been discriminated against in Yemen and in Egypt. He completed his study of Arabic grammar and language, logic and bayan from Meer Bahauddin Jandaqi Mulla Abdul Karim Misgar and Mulla Akber Nadushi. [27] Cole went on to criticize the Bah Faith in three articles written from 19982002,[28][29][30] describing a prominent Bah as "inquisitor" and "bigot", and describing Bah institutions as socially isolating, dictatorial, and controlling, with financial irregularities and sexual deviance. In all my years of following and writing about the Bahai Faith, this excuse is perhaps the funniest! The majority of Baha'is, however, live in the global south. The primary target of these officials are people who are showing an interest in one of the small Bahai sects, known to mainstream Bahais as covenant-breakers. This I cannot accept. [20] Particularly in the United States, Bahs have attempted to reconcile the immutable conservative teachings on sexuality with the otherwise socially progressive teachings of the religion, but it continues to be a source of controversy. The blog which I am referring to is http://formerbahai.blogspot.comand as the name will show is authored by a former Bahai who has since long reverted back to Islam. At one event sponsored by the Regional Teaching Committee on the lower mainland in BC I attended a meeting where they advised the particapants to befriend people of Chinese ancestor for the purpose of converting them to the Bahai Faith. Baha'u'llahs followers disseminated his teachings in the Middle East and beyond. Thanks so much for sharing! You will see lots of items which Bahais tout as their own actually came from Islam. pros * -Instant community- people are genuinely welcoming and unified in most places of the world. After Bahaullah's death, under the leadership of his son, Abdul-Baha, the religion spread from its Persian roots, and gained a footing in Europe and America, and was consolidated in Iran. [26], Bahs have been accused, particularly by successive Iranian governments, of being agents or spies of Russia, Britain, the Shah, the United States, and as agents of Zionismeach claim being linked to each regime's relevant enemy and justifying anti-Bah actions. We were cautioned to not reveal at first that Bahaullah was a prophet and Bahai a religion but to say that Bahaullah was a social reformer and Bahai a social movement. Thank you so much! Abdul-Baha, The Promulgation of Universal Peace, p. 99. I also really enjoyed their activities. I was indoctrinated into the Bahai Faith from the age of seven. For now, I leave you with his general message to the Bahai Youth of Malaysia. (God bless Democracy), Well,I think we dont need a new world order but just a new view on it and a new way of acting which is based on ethics.Democracy is best because it allows itself to get better. Therefore, if the essential and fundamental ordinances of the religions be observed, peace and unity will dawn, and all the differences of sects and denominations will disappear. b. Biblical prophecies cited are either vague or inaccurately interpreted. h. Isolation [16] Thus, authorities in the Muslim world have rejected the Bah Faith and regard Bahs as apostates if they had been Muslims before conversion. This article is not based on scientific data, but my own observations. Persistent, public, and continued violation of one of these laws (for example, drinking alcohol, or cohabitation without marriage) can result in sanctions, most commonly the removal of administrative rights. They have been the axis around which religion revolved but now are no longer fruitful; on the contrary, in this day they have become the cause of human degradation and hindrance. In fact, the first school for girls in Iran was established by the Baha'is. Looks like you were interested in a Bahai woman who introduced you to the community, but that was not her intention to date you. I left that meeting without saying goodbye and the Faith was never the same for me after that Bahai cult experience. It is primarily those who have responsibiltiy for protection that show up to investigate cases of possible impropriety. [17], Bahu'llh's teachings on the equality of men and women, and that slavery should be banned, were controversial ideas in the nineteenth century Middle East that contributed to attempts to destroy his movement.[16]. Read Ruhi Book 6 and 7 and learn yourself. Bah'u'llh Exploring Thematic Areas This area of the website aims to organize a selection of central Bah' beliefs into a few thematic areas. The Baha'i Faith does not accept faith without good deeds. Answer (1 of 5): > According to reports by the NSA, they saw 1,198 enrollments in the year to February 2005, 82 child registrations, 271 withdrawals, and 16 reinstatements; In 2009 there were 2,500 enrollments, 1200 child registrations, 322 withdrawals, and 35 reinstatements; and in 2015 there w. 4. Baha'i beliefs - Baha'is do not believe in the afterlife, Paradise or Hellfire. Throughout his life, Bah'u'llah penned over 100 volumes in Arabic and Persian. Beliefs, ideas and rituals of the Baha'is: 1 - Belief that Allaah is incarnated in some of His creation, and that Allaah was incarnated in al-Baab and al-Baha'. While Bah teachings assert that men and women are spiritually equal, some areas of differentiation remain. The Bahai Faith appears to be a religion that is wasting its potential. To put you in touch with a Bahai in your area who can answer your questions, we would like to kindly ask for a few details about yourself. Christian apologist Francis J. Beckwith wrote of the Bah teachings: The fact that the various alleged manifestations of God represented God in contradictory ways implies either that manifestations of God can contradict one another or that God's own nature is contradictory. His father was Allamah Haaj Shaikh Mohammad, famous as Haaj Aakhwant Tafti. [21], In the Kitb-i-Aqdas, Bahu'llh prescribed the death penalty both for intentional arson and murder. [22] Bah scholar Udo Schaefer stated that the legitimization of the death penalty in cases of murder and arson is usually met with disapproval and suspicion in Europe. Independent, Unfettered Investigation of the Truth 3. False claim #1: "The Baha'i Faith is a sect of Islam" In fact, the Baha'i Faith is a distinct religion unto itself, recognized as such by the vast majority of the world's nations and scholars. The Orthodox Bah' Faith also believes that Shoghi Effendi, the appointed first guardian of the Faith, fulfilled his mission as directed by these writings. I attended, we only discussed the societal potential of young people and by the end of the day some older youth I met had already signed me up to start the Ruhi Institute books despite the fact that Id never heard of them and they didnt show them to us or tell us what they were about. We were led to believe that entry by troops and the lesser peace would happen by the year 2000, meaning that there would be a political peace in the world, and many, many thousands of people would be lining up to join the Bahai religion. In Iran and other parts of the Middle East, Bahs continue to be criticized for breaking with Islam and accused of conspiring with western powers, resulting in intense persecution and the loss of civil rights. I did attend meetings in other Bahai communities after that eye opener but the evidence that Bahai is a cult simply mounted. The Bah' Faith . He came in contact with members of the Bahai Faith and even stayed in those areas which were largely occupied by Bahais. Alcohol can also lead to dementia, with symptoms similar to those of Alzheimer's Disease. Messiah If, on the other hand, God's own nature is said to be contradictory, that is, that God is both one God and many gods, that God is both able and not able to have a son, personal and impersonal, etc., then the Bahai concept of God is reduced to meaninglessness. The Bahai scholars say that if there are any cases of conflict, then it is because of human miscalculations as everything on earth is supposed to be in unison. Can you please point me in the right direction where it appears so that I can correct it. The Baha'i concept of Jesus is based upon the revealed word of Baha'u'llah, and you believe his interpretation is true because he has said so. The list of principles of the Bahai religion is a carefully crafted marketing plan to make the religion appeal to people in western countries such as the USA and Europe. I was a Bahai for about thirty years prior to the year 2000. In this installment, we're looking at one. The underlying foundation of the religions is one; there is no intrinsic difference between them. The Baha'is are among the most persecuted religious minorities in the world. I grew up believing that I was one of the chosen. I saw a lot of those fanatics latched on other spiritual platforms on internet and tried to lure ppl in discussion. Bahai Faith- BAHA'IS AND BIBLICAL PROPHECY. That is quite interesting to learn, Matthew. (There is the possibility that some do maintain their belief in isolation, but there are not likely to be many who do so.). January 12, 2013 Iam a proud Bah' but due to the nature of my job, I am abit stagnant but I know the truth which is the most comforting feeling you can have in our short stay in this relm, Great text. I was not friends with any Baha'is at the time, and had only met two in my life. Then shall the religions summon people to the oneness of the world of humanity and to universal justice; then will they proclaim equality of rights and exhort men to virtue and to faith in the loving mercy of God. I understand that I can withdraw my consent at any time. 4. This page will be expanded with explanations added as I continue to research the Bahai religion. There is no calamity awaiting mankind in which troops will come to recognize the genius of the Bahai faith. This can prove to be an extremely alienating experience, and can result in a person leaving the Bahai Faith altogether. While the protesters were united in their hope that the law would not be changed such that it . Subsequent public protests and mob violence claimed the lives of thousands of his followers. The Baha'i Faith does not support the view that one particular tradition alone teaches the truth and constitutes the way to salvation for an indefinite period of time. 14 . j. Cognitive dissonance In the West, liberals have criticized the Bah Faith for some of its conservative social practices, notably the prohibition on premarital or homosexual intimacy for Bahs. u. Shaming people who make mistakes e. Overemphasis on administration Bicentenary Celeberation reveals some shocking info, Some notes on the early relationship of the Bahais with the Zionists, Yemini Bahai accused of spying for Israel. [17], From 1980 onward, several well-educated Bahs left the religion and subsequently criticized it. Instead, he joined a new religious movement, started by a young Iranian, known as the Bab. 197. Seriously, it been around for a century at least.. I talk about your Firesides in part two! c. He abandoned his family in Baghdad and his son died because of no medical care (ie: neglect) b. Judgement and accusations Rob Dalrymple is married to his wife Toni and is the father of four fabulous children, and two grandchildren. d. Difficulty with withdrawal Thank you for your question and please take the time to review this article, issued by the national governing body of the Baha'is of the United States, drawing on the guidance and resources of the. He further argued that in the case of "Baha'ism, with its rather vague doctrines as to the nature and destiny of the soul of man, it is a little difficult to see whence the driving force to enforce the ethical maxims can be derived. There are abundant stories on the Internet that tell of Bahais leaving after an encounter with a Counselor or Auxiliary Board Member (ABM). Since the teachings of the Bahai Faith state that all of humanity is equal without exception, Bahais believe that we have reached a collective state of human maturity, and that we can independently search for and investigate truth for ourselves. To those of Alzheimer & # x27 ; is do not represent the official views of the religions one. Is Social Activists lure ppl in discussion is partially rooted in the afterlife, Paradise or Hellfire think! Selfish dictator that is wasting its potential engage with the followers why baha'i faith is wrong all religions in spirit... Hypocrisy of the Bahai Faith, they are two separate religions extremely alienating experience and. A shred of truthin fact, the Promulgation of universal Peace, p..! Year 2000 violence claimed the lives of thousands of why baha'i faith is wrong followers contact with of... 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