Jillpm unfollowed all Duggars after that. I am ECSTATIC that God has answered his prayer!! -Your Jillybean. What a wonderful time we had! Please read about the ups and downs of this past month; some thought-provoking quotes; progress in our Printing Ministry; all about our travels; and lastly, how Jills Plexus business is doing. Ymm! While in the area I get to be with my family for two weeks. Do YOU have any Christmas traditions that you do each year? ? Plexus Super Saturday Training was this past month! made for HimHE IS WORTHY OF! ??? We need to get out. How it blessed our hearts to hear that! He painted mountains that point towards Heaven. What a LOVELY family week we had midst our traveling and meetings. I reminded them that at least we got to swim and said that there are people sitting in jail cells for their belief in Jesus Christ and for following His principles! People, this tells me GOD knows what He is doing! He walked over to me STEAMING that we had not yet left! This is my favorite Plexus event each year! Decorate your laptops, water bottles, notebooks and windows. http://www.maranathawv.com/. God Almighty, you are WORTHY of praise! Sa fortune s lve 2 000,00 euros mensuels I want to say PECULIAR! Gods creation is beautiful and I am SO grateful to Him for allowing us to travel to see it.on a shoestring budget- nonetheless. Love, Jill, I feel a RIGHTEOUS ANGER right now. what others think. She wore makeup had highlights and wore jeans. They have helped me in too many ways to count! He has been gone from us now for over 4 months. Ps 119:133 Order my steps in thy word: and let not any iniquity have dominion over me. Seriously, pattern matching exists this is just schmutter, like it's 100% petroleum product cloth made into a skirt at some third-world sweatshop to sell as Walmart for $5. ? No, like the sense of pitch and being in tune her singing circus lacks. I want to thank Aunt Amy, Uncle Kevin, and all the We had fun putting on this Cinderella birthday party for her. Special Memories! What a blessing it was to spend 3 days there! I love you, Mama. blessing to have grandparents I can look up to and see that all they However, Nuries skill in sewing was limited to mending, sewing on a button, etc. Ps 139:13 For thou hast possessed my reins: thou hast covered me in my mothers womb. SO, we rushed, rallied, and gathered our thoughts and plans to plan a trip WEST!! They never drop their standards and I have had a couple of scares, but my familys undying faith that this baby will be FINE really blesses my heart. King James Version (KJV), With a family our size, life is ALWAYS hopping busy! It hurtsits NOT true! Righteous / Bible Choices= Persecution Another fun post about our cutie Janessa! So, I worked my way out of the pool and walked over to the edge to finish my conversation with the lady swimming. No, with quotation marks and emojis. We had a great time! I love my children more than life itself and I am SO blessed God gave them to me! Farewell, until next time. . ~ The Rodrigues Family. She just stared at me with a look ofWhat do you want ME to do about it?! This week at Palomar Baptist Church for their Camp Meeting -in Lexington, Kentucky- has been a GREAT week! Revelation 3: 15 & 16 I hope and joy in this sinful world. Thank you for giving me legs, arms and hands that work. Nurie, your diligence and willingness to learn and better yourself is SUCH a blessing to me! And with black tights? Secondly, Are you looking for an incredible way to earn money from home? Later..I am SO proud of Timothy. also she doesn't use a midwofe which Press J to jump to the feed. What a precious / loving church they are! fun! That inspired Nurie to learn. Hence the pics with the Amish actors.). Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. 2 To see thy power and thy glory, so as I have seen thee in the sanctuary ~Ps 63:7 Because thou hast been my help, therefore in the shadow of thy wings will I rejoice. I look toward Heaven and thank a merciful God for blessing me with such an incredible son! (For us, that really is small. The latest *NEWS* with the Rodrigues Family Sept. / Oct. 2018, I dont CARE! He interrupted. decide to live a life that is not pleasing to our precious Lord and I spy a framed photo of David with Jim-bob amongst all Press J to jump to the feed. As most of you know already, we headed WEST in the months of July and August 2018 for the purpose of safely delivering our oldest son Timothy (second oldest child) to Bible College to learn Missionary Aviation which he had been burdened to do since he was 4 years old. So, he was determined to get the next deer that came. Thank you for the delicious food and gracious hospitality. Pastor and Mrs. Stidham and church family, we love you all and thank you dearly for your hospitality to our family! Ml uxp . , Memories from when everyone was here for Thanksgiving! . Farewell until next year to our DEAR friends! What a SWEET family they are and super musical too! . The doctor does not need to see her for a whole YEAR now and he told us He does it all OVER and OVER and OVER and never gives up. Large family without a steady income. You are going to make such a How can people change so quickly? We went on a double date while Timothy was back for the holidays from College. It was SUPER exciting! We just LOVE Jana and her sweet, content spirit. Michelle ALWAYS a sweet, hard-working servant!! (Can I add something here? Ages ago, somebody suggested that Jill suffered from Histrionic Personality Disorder (the same diagnosis as Louise Turpin). From WebMD, the symptoms include: Hosanna (the Plaths oldest girl) is Nuries closest friend and Nurie will be in Hosannas wedding this coming June! I seen a change in the Bates girls (clothing hair and makeup) when Whitney joined the family. It is a rich lifefilled with love, joy, peace, laughter, contentment, surrender, and more blessings than we can list! However, sometimes simply living out those principles brings conviction to those around us. My mama is the most encouraging person I know, to me and so many others around her. We are looking for some fairly local ladies, that feel they need this encouragement, to join us! Choosing Joy: I LOVE serving my Saviour full time! atmosphere, they act a totally different way. God is good and faithful and to serve Him full time is our EXTREME honor! For nearly a week now Ive sat back, thought, and cried just a little bit, once the rumors at Reddit emerged about the reality of Timmy Rodrigues life. 21 years.and going strong! the inward man. They just throw away the great gift they have, and taking a righteous stand; may we remind ourselves that it is an honor to 2 As smoke is driven away, so drive them away: as wax melteth before the fire, so let the wicked perish at the presence of God. When humans fail and disappoint me, I am thankful for a God who will Wed assumed it was because COVID 19 had shuttered most school systems.The rumors say he flunked out, which is entirely possible as we know his education before college was the Jill Rodrigues homeschool. Some love my joy, others envy and hate it. WebThese are definitely target. Thank you also to Cynthias team for coming and being a part of this fun night! Whats the inside joke about this hummingbird water LOL? of my worship to you. Give us a spiritual awakening and revival However, policies changed and we discovered that he was required to live there his first year also. I love others, yet I am despised by many. Making it all about them, instead of what is best for the child. , With Love and Thanks, The Rodrigues Family . Open our eyes and help us realize how worthless May we not You lift your hands to Heaven to glorify our WORTHY Saviour! Have fun going down THAT rabbithole. I know they used to be friends with the Duggars and Bates family, but why are the bates and Duggar not friends with the Rodrigues family anymore. However, our God is faithful and is providing as we slowly trek West to drop Timothy off to college for Missionary Aviation! II Corinthians 6:2 For he sayeth, I have heard thee in a time I was BEYOND thrilled to meet at the mall the wonderful ladies and their families from the pregnancy center that I volunteer at. Thank you from the depths of our hearts! He is allowed nothing on his own, everything has Jill front and center. I LOVE ministering to Gods people and Sniff it. Lord, may I always remember that I only have one short life; so help me Those look like Sanitas. , Those words,Im a New Yorker, carry a different connotation today. 6 months SURE did fly by and she brings our home IMMENSE joy! LOL. Did you know that in the jungles of Florida, there live 980 views2 days ago 1:02 Daring To Be Different, By Staying The Same - Episode 106 of You are SUCH a hard worker in our home. ? (Nurie had just walked back in with Sadie). Joseph and Sarah Moore, thank you for all your hard work in setting this up. Come to think of it, our suffering is NOTHING compared to His when they screamed Crucify Him and He hung upon that Old Rugged Cross! We are now HOME SWEET HOME and enjoying it! However I don't think we should underestimate the men. I have me + my spouse (& 2 kittens but they dont take much) in 900sq & I hate it. She never mentioned Shrek's 30 day weight loss challenge again. beliefs so that they can fit in with what everyone else is doing When they said their vows on OCTOBER 4, 1997 they truly meant for better or worse. weary. They feel like the world owes them and they proclaim it from the rooftops. It was a lovely nighttopped off with hot chocolate and cookies and then we went over to their house for fellowship afterwards. front of other Christians, but then behind closed doors, or in a worldly Wasnt Anna wearing that terrible dress bc she was pregnant? May God richly bless you as you continue to so faithfully serve Jesus! happy and successful endings. Also, check out Hosannas Familys website. image they set before men rather than God. You are Mamas miracle baby, Janessa! sleep. She is doing AMAZING and creeping all over the floor! We live in a culture that snaps at others with petty frustrations and boldly and brashly speaks their minds. Its not to glorify yourself. We CANNOT give in to human reasoning, convenience, or perfection in Check out the post below to see what is NEW with our family and the things that have been keeping us busy. You need to be joyfully available or your man will lose his job, commit crimes, We strive to LOVE others that do not choose to live exactly like us. ~Ps 66:18 If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me: Every minute, hour, day, week that we travel, I realize just HOW FAR away we are going to be from Timothy! God proved Himself SO faithful and we made phone calls and within a half hour, we had our trip planned, and meetings scheduled at various churches we called along the way. It pains me to even type out those words. ?Choose righteousness when youre tempted to sin. Hallelujah! We loved watching them sing, played some instruments with them, ate breakfast with them and more importantly, were blessed by their LIKE MINDED goals towards raising up a large, godly family for the GLORY of God! What can I say?? *Remember that life is truly like a vapor! All the food has been delicious! West Virginia bound! Can she (and Plexus) do better and not have "weight and libito issues" in the same picture as what looks like a 6 year old? [email protected] However, after she intensely watched me type on my phone, THIS is what Janessa typed outwith her own little hand. But, can I be real here? out loud with the children. (We went to an Amish musical play named- Stolen. , Timothy, God is going to DEEPLY bless your life, because you have greatly honored us- your parents. Absolutely LOVE having Gods people over for fellowship. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. Cysts, stroke (leaving a portion of her brain damaged) When I got back to the game room, ? This may influence Jill's grifting if she thinks all of her relationships with churches, Plexus, their neighbors, her kids, her sisters, and maybe even shrek are more intimate or close than they actually are. Below are some of our pictures from when visiting there. I thought Id take a moment to be real. In Christian Love, The Rodrigues Family. What a GREAT time we had at Grace Bible Baptist Church in Leesburg, FL. ?? what. circumstances. While Timothy and Nurie wait for godly, chaste mates; they enjoy each others grown, adult company. I adore my children, yet they grow too fast. Choosing Joy: It is a JOY watching God provide and we honestly have ~. Look up, look up, and call on Jesus, for only He, can truly save us. What SWEET people. What a joyous reunion! because it is not in the depths of their heart to want to please God What a blessing this family of 15 is to me! >.< The daughters' arms are like sticks. She watched and watched instructional youtube videos on how to use her machine. is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.. Timothy, I LOVE you and I am SO honored by you! Forever Your Greatest Cheerleader, Mama xo ??? abortion clinic. Our website is on the back and they messaged us to let us know what a blessing that was to them. I just love living near my precious sister- Amy Foster and her DEAR family! You asked for itthe Rodrigues Barndo in the Sims 4! LOVED meeting one of my most loyal FB followers here. Plus, we saw 2 couples we KNEW from other Northern Churches. Did Jill & fam still go to jingers wedding? inspiration my Aunt Amy has been to me in my life. 20 Blessed be God, which hath not turned away my prayer, nor his mercy from me. People of this world (and perhaps sadly many Christians even) see a peculiar thing in our family! The Bates and Duggar are definitely better dressed and the Bates are more open-minded and they both love their kids whether or not they wear pants. Someone said something the other day about Jill paving her own road to hell and I had to quip that she would merely redecorate hell and try to sell Satan some Plexus.Ancient history for those not familiar with the Rods and Timmy. world. ? He dearly loves all 13 of our children and is willing to have more if God chooses to give them to us. He JUST got back for Christmas! Look at the holiday goodies Timothy also made all the way in Washington? However, when you find /sarcasm.But I want to talk about Timmy and Jills parenting of him specifically. David has preached every service and our family has sang at every service. Satan will bring our way. Souls have been saved and lives changed! I sure do love this little angel! I remember that. I thought, Oh, he must think they are pretty and wants to look at them. Pretty soon he meandered into the aisle with this beautiful bouquet. WebJill Rodrigues We found 15 records for Jill Rodrigues in PA, FL and 10 other states. We LOVED helping to strengthen marriages and love on people. think of us, rather than what GOD thinks, he has gotten a big foothold to my heartof childhood memories gone by at dear old Grandpa and We knew not of what had just transpired and that camper left that day. Thank you for providing me with all my needs. Thank you, Sacketts, for your hospitality! While there, what a TOTAL joy it was to have my WONDERFUL and generous Aunt Val come and visit us in Pennsylvania- which was fairly near where she lived. LOL. While Facebook has your eyes, and youre focused on the one who texted therefore my persecutors shall stumble, and they shall not prevail: they Their VERY first kiss on October 4, 1997. I am crying right now. Well, guess what? It is beyond sad to watch the decline of our world today. Little note about Janessa in our travels. I am thankful , Total, we have 3 deer in the freezer. A mama whos there to hold my hand and listen and always understand. LOL. I have SO many fond memories growing up around these precious people. My mom and I have already done 100 miles, for run the year 2019. Janessa continues to be our living miracle of Gods grace and it shows God is STILL in the miracle working business! I am starting to re-think this thing of being proud to be a New Yorker. The eldest son. You need to be joyfully available or your man will lose his job, commit crimes, and look at another woman's knees!! 2 weeks ago we visited the Duggars church Lighthouse Baptist Church with Pastor Caldwell and precious church family. David Jill Noyes Rodrigues We are a family with 13 children that LOVES Oh, he must think they are and super musical too when everyone was here Thanksgiving! And Thanks, the Rodrigues family Jesus, for only he, can truly save us meandered into the with. 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