ERA Equal Rights Amendment OEMA Ohio Emergency Management Agency Rehab. NU Name Unknown 501 ( 5191) Procedure for Declaration FAIH Federal Assistance to Individuals and Households AFSS Automated Flight Service Station I-TRAP Interagency Terrorism Response Awareness Program GEMINI Global Emergency Management Information Network Initiative RIC Recovery Information Center Click to reveal 2) FEMA Switched Network 2) Computer-Assisted Design IBAD Interim Biological Agent Detector SWIS Satellite Weather Information System USSTRATCOM United States Strategic Command 3) Total Suspended Particulates SHSI Sensitive Homeland Security Information 5) Crisis Action Center RUS Rural Utilities Service(s) SIOP Single Integrated Operational Plan 4) Mobilization Center EHS Extremely Hazardous Substance DAMAGES Disaster Accountability Management System JAG 1) Joint Action Group HSIN Homeland Security Information Network (see JRIES) 3) Energy Assurance AGCR Advanced Gas-Cooled Reactor HSLD Historic Shoreline Location Database 3) Personal Protection HNAT Human Needs Assessment Team PDM Pre-Disaster Mitigation (including Grant Program) yr year 2) Automatic Route Selection RCM Radar-Coded Message SDO 1) Staff Duty Officer IVD Interactive Video Disk 2) Cooperative Base Network OTBE Overtaken by events NFDC National Fire Data Center WCRP World Climate Research Program CADD Computer-Assisted Drafting and Design GAMA General Aviation Manufacturers Association The action you just performed triggered the security solution. 2) Alternate Care Facility MSEL Master Scenario Events List NIPF National Intelligence Priority Framework FTO Foreign Terrorist Organizations OCRWM Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management NFFS Northeast Forest Fire Supervisors RMSE Root Mean Square Error PDD Presidential Decision Directive 2) Community Reuse Organization PPR Prior Permission Required HERN Hospital Emergency Radio Network FEIS Final Environmental Impact Statement DEMOB Demobilization or Demobilize RAMT Radiological Assessment Medical Team IAT Incident Assessment Team SLC 1) Salt Lake City 2) International Olympic Committee CBRNE-CM Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, or High-Yield Explosive - Consequence Management ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange P&I Protection and Indemnity MOOTW Military Operations Other Than War ZONE AO Special Flood Hazard Area inundated by the 100-year flood; with flood depths of 1 to 3 feet (usually sheet flow on the sloping terrain); average depths are determined. VRC Volunteer Reception Center TLV Threshold Limit Value IICT Interagency Intelligence Committee on Terrorism SQL Structured Query Language DEM 1) Department of Environmental Management USFWS United States Fish and Wildlife Service NLRB National Labor Relations Board CRWRC Christian Reformed World Relief Committee PI Project Inspector 421 ( 5188) Timber Sale Contracts SWAT Special Weapons and Tactics 2) Teleregistration Service Representative DMV Department of Motor Vehicles INA Immigration and Nationality Act SCO State Coordinating Officer SUMA Supply Management 2) Agency Confirmation Report Flood certifications for an NHD Report are determined by FEMA the Federal Emergency Management Agency. JHAT Joint Hazardous Assessment Team CART 1) Computer Analysis and Response Team AARP = American Association of Retired People [Snelling . ETJ Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (Limits) 3) Insurance NVMC National Vessel Movement Center LDR Lutheran Disaster Response COSIN Control Staff Instruction(s) EQPCE Earthquake Preparedness Center of Expertise 4) Customs Management Centers IEMS Integrated Emergency Management System 408 ( 5174) Federal Assistance to Individuals and Households RCBAP Residential Condominium Building Association Policy WFU Wildland Fire Use TLC-E Territory Logistics Center- East 2) Spatial Data Transfer System CARAT Cooperation Afloat Readiness and Training 3) Navy Operations Center 3) Reactor MSE MERS Support Element NRCSDC Natural Resources Conservation Service District Conservationist 3) Disaster Communication Agreement 2) Maximum Permissible Concentration LRU Lowest Replaceable Unit 2) Kentucky Department of Emergency Management AIF Assistance Information Form AMWA Association of Metropolitan Water Agencies A\2b@fQpF\v> !$0xp y1dh3gC.2'q L#S95FYDOiT LESC Law Enforcement Support Center 2) Public Law (also abbreviated as P.L.) BAER Burned Area Emergency Rehabilitation (Team) READI Response to Emergencies and Disasters Institute 310 ( 5153) Priority for Public Housing AR 1) Acknowledge Receipt BIIDB Badge Imaging Information Database NERC North American Electric Reliability Council ULN Unit Line Number(s) 3) Monitoring and Analysis Coordinator 2) Integrated Product Teams PRS Primary Receiving Site BLEVE Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapor Explosion 2) Cross-Disaster Database This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. DTSA Defense Technical Security Agency NTF-NCR Joint Task Force - National Capital Region ESF 04 Firefighting USVI United States Virgin Islands RTF 1) Response Task Force ATST Atlantic Standard Time (GMT - 4) ISSP Information Systems Security Program TVA Tennessee Valley Authority EEI Essential Elements of Information AFRRI Armed Force Radiobiology Research Institute LWR Light-Water Reactor M/V Merchant Vessel 2SR. ICP 1) Incident Command Post NCPI National Committee on Property Insurance GGI&S Global Geospatial Information and Services LETS Law Enforcement Telecommunications System 2) End-of-File SANS SysAdmin, Audit, Network, Security (SANS Institute) 2) Logistics Readiness Center LeeTran Lee County Transit Authority (Florida) ECWAG Emergency Community Water Assistance Grant TITLE VI Emergency Preparedness RD 1) Regional Director OTAN Organisation du Trait de l'Atlantlique Nord (NATO) 2) Federal Response Subcommittee PA 1) Principal Advisor HHMD Hand-Held Metal Detector 3) Intensive Care Unit COMCDTF Commander, Civil Disturbance Task Force DSN Defense Switched Network USGS United States Geological Survey MIPR Military Interdepartmental Purchase Request 2) Executive Associate Director 4) Network Security Agreement Rehabilitation + 4. 2) Agriculture NDIC National Drug Intelligence Center JFC Joint Force Commander SNL Sandia National Laboratory NDPO National Domestic Preparedness Office 3) State Field Office(r) CISM Critical Incident Stress Management FCIC Federal Crop Insurance Corporation EBR Endogenous Biological Regulators ACI 1) Advanced Contracting Initiative 2) National Security Area 3) International Port Security CCND Consultative Committee on Natural Disasters ITSD Information Technology Services Directorate CPOT Consolidated Priority Organization Target OSTC On-Scene Tactical Commander 3) Tropical Storm HOO [NRC] Headquarters Operations Officer 3) Atmospheric Monitoring System BDS Biohazard Detection System AT Antiterrorism JSTARS Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System FPF Federal Policy Fee 2) Mobile Analytical Response System CSO 1) Chief Security Officer ASTHO Association of State and Territorial Health Offices SICG Senior Interagency Coordination Group 3) Information Systems Plan STCC Standard Transportation Commodity Code MA 1) Marshalling Area GNIS Geographic Names Information System 2) Mental Health 5) Multiple award contract HC Health Canada Browse the list of 4.8k Rehabilitation acronyms and abbreviations with their meanings and definitions. DEW Distant Early Warning ITAA Information Technology Association of America JCS Joint Chiefs of Staff CTD 1) Concept and Technology Development CPX Command Post Exercise Ensure that medication is returned and reordered except emergency drugs. CBR Chemical, Biological, and/or Radiological 2) American Meteorological Society 2) Standard Form SALEMDUG State and Local Emergency Managers Data Users Group SOMA Summary of Map Actions HHA High Hazard Area The list of 4.8k . PMA President's Management Agenda 2) Crisis Response Cell PPA Performance Partnership Agreement 2) Declaration of Applicant IHOG Interagency Helicopter Operation Guide CBDCOM Chemical and Biological Defense Command (obsolete; see SBCCOM) CAE Command Assessment Element (for CBIRF) TAFT Test, Analyze, Fix and Test DSB Defense Science Board LTD Limited CIRP Catastrophic Incident Response Plan RLS Registered Land Surveyor FMS Financial Management System PDF 1) Probability Density Function CBN 1) Chemical, Biological, or Nuclear QD Quantity/Distance CADW Civil Air Defense Warning TCP 1) Traffic Control Point DA 1) Damage Assessment DEFCON Defense Condition SWG Security Working Group ENSO El Nino / Southern Oscillation ERLink Emergency Response Link TROPAN Tropical Analysis Facsimile Network PMO Property Management Officer SDP 1) Secretarial Development Program 2) Regional Field Office COBRE Carry-On Bag Remote Examination MSPB Merit Systems Protection Board 2) Built-In Test 3) Telephone Contact Center NFMA National Forest Management Act VITEMA Virgin Islands Territorial Emergency Management Agency 2) State Emergency Response Team (DHS program, affiliated with EPR) REC Regional Emergency Coordinator FSDO Flight Service District Office COTHEN Customs Over-The-Horizon Enforcement Network 2) Chief of Mission WHLO White House Liaison Office EPCRA Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act E 911 Enhanced 9-1-1 CIDCON Civil Defense Condition UPS 1) Uninterruptable Power Supply NMSS Nuclear Materials Safeguards and Security AIC Automated Inventory Control (formerly AIS) NCCG National Civilian Community Group EDE Effective Dose Equivalent 3) Professional Excellence Program SAREX Search and Rescue Exercise PUREX Plutonium Uranium Extraction 2) Environmental Response Team MARC Maryland Rail Commuter NMB National Mediation Board COTP Captain of the Port NOK Next-of-Kin NS/EP National Security and Emergency Preparedness 2) Limited English Proficiency Find out what is the full meaning of REHAB on! 307 ( 5150) Use of Local Firms and Individuals NDMSOSC National Disaster Medical System Operations Support Center CINDI 1) Center for Integration of Natural Disaster Information DVA Department of Veterans Affairs 2) Nuclear Surety Inspection Employment Type: Full Time Clearance Requirements: N/A FLSA Status: Exempt (Salary) Eligible for Remote Work: No. HSC 1) Health Service Command PAD Protective Action Decision 2) Congressional Affairs Representative C3 1) Command, Control, and Communications NSTR Nothing Significant to Report TPO 1) Technical Program(s) Officer 3) Public Service Announcement MG/M3 Milligrams per Cubic Meter. P&D Production and Development AO 1) Action Officer ATA 1) Actual Time of Arrival 2) External Data Request OPHS Office of Public Health and Science ABM Anti-Ballistic Missile FMV Fair Market Value ALERT Automated Local Evaluation in Real Time EDT Eastern Daylight Time (GMT - 4) TSN Trade Support Network RLTG Repetitive Loss Target Group B&SA Bureau and Statistical Agent (NFIP) MLW Mean Low Water 2) Civil Emergency Planning (NATO) SLSAC State and Local Officials Senior Advisory Committee The list of 104 Rehab acronyms and abbreviations (December 2022): 50 Categories. RIF Reduction-in-Force ABS Arson and Bomb Squad 3) Operational Systems Document AEC 1) Agency Emergency Coordinator(s) BGCA Blue Grass Chemical Activity U.S. Department of Homeland Security Federal Emergency Management Agency FEMA Acronyms Abbreviations and Terms The FAAT List is not designed to be an authoritative source, merely ASSET Advanced Simulation and Software Engineering Technology NEC National Earthquake Center 2) Evacuation Liaison Team COMINT Communications Intelligence EIDL Economic Injury Disaster Loan Sleeping Dragon Term used to identify a barrier of protesters who have linked themselves to one another 2) Regional Assistance Committee 2) FEMA Emergency Response Capability RART Regional Assessment and Response Team ALC 1) Agency Location Code UMCD Umatilla Chemical Depot PTI 1) Positive Threat Identification CANDU Canadian-Deuterium Uranium (Reactor) MMI Modified Mercalli Intensity ISVB Imagery Science Validation Board LSCAD Lightweight Standoff Chemical Agent Detector USIC United States Interdiction Coordinator TMS 1) Training Management System MIEP Mass Immigration Emergency Plan FEDD Flood Elevation Determination Docket PPG Program Planning Guidance PPBM Positive Passenger Baggage Match 2) Center for Strategic International Studies SLG State and Local Guide PNP Private Non-Profit DHHS Department of Health and Human Services DFAS Defense Financial Accounting Service STU 1) Satellite Transmission Unit ESF 08 Public Health and Medical Services SARA Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act SOP Standard Operating Procedure(s) 401 ( 5170) Procedure for Declaration ERRO Emergency Response/Recovery Office (USACE) Reach out to someone at DURA today to discuss our housing rehabilitation programs by calling 303-534-3872. CAPC Civil Aviation Planning Committee TISP The Infrastructure Security Partnership CVO Cascades Volcano Observatory NACA National Air Carrier Association GHAD Geologic Hazard Abatement District IMSuRT International Medical Surgical Response Team PCIIMS PCII Management System
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